Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to gain knowledge regarding marketing of services and customer relationship management.

Course Outcomes: 


Course outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24DBSG 611A



Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management (Theory)

CO217: Develop fundamental knowledge regarding the services, service sector and marketing of services.

CO218: Analyze the concept of marketing mix and various elements in marketing mix of services.

CO219: Comprehensively analyze the concept of service quality, service encounters, failure, and recovery.

CO220: Examine and analyze the concept of CRM, features, type and functions of CRM.

CO221: Develop and integrate advanced knowledge regarding target marketing and relationship marketing and CRM marketing initiatives and to explore the concept of e-CRM.

CO222: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Power point based lectures, Group Discussion, Tutorials.

Learning activities for the students:

Reading assignments, Group Discussions/ Class presentation 

CA test, Assignments, Quiz , Observation, and Semester End Exam


Unit I: 
Introduction to Service & Service Marketing
  • Services Marketing: Trends and developments in service sector; Meaning and nature of services;
  •  Distinctive characteristics of services and its marketing implications; Classification of services.
  • Concept of services marketing; Services marketing triangle
  • Factors for growth of service industry. Myths about services


Unit II: 
Marketing Mix for services
  • Marketing Mix: Meaning and importance of Marketing mix of services
  • Marketing mix elements for services- Elementary knowledge of 7 P’s. Service Product - Levels of service product, Service Product mix and its features, New service development process. Service blueprint.  Price mix, Place mix, Various Tools of Promotion mix. Expanded mix for service marketing - People, Process and Physical Evidence


Unit III: 
Service quality & Service Failure
  • Service Quality – Meaning & importance. Service quality dimensions used by service users. GAP model of service quality (Gaps, reasons, remedy). SERVQUAL model
  • Service encounter- meaning, type. Service failure – meaning, reasons. Service recovery- meaning, strategies


Unit IV: 
Customer Relationship Management: Introduction
  • Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Nature and Relevance of CRM
  • Types of CRM, Objectives & Context of CRM, Purposes of Adopting CRM Processes, Features of CRM, Functions of CRM


Unit V: 
CRM in Marketing
  • Target marketing, relationship marketing, CRM marketing initiatives- Cross selling, up selling, customer prediction, customer profitability and value modeling, channel optimization, personalization, event based marketing
  • E-CRM – concept& benefits


Essential Readings: 
  • Apte G. Services Marketing. Oxford Higher Education.
  • Balaji,B.  Services Marketing and Management- S.Chand.
  • Jha S. M. Service Marketing. Himalaya Publishing House.
  • Rao, K Rama Mohan. Services Marketing. Pearson Education.
  • Dyche, J. THE CRM HANDBOOK: A Business Guide to CRM. Pearson Publication.
  • Mukherjee, K. Customer Relationship Management – A Strategic approach to marketing. Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.


  • Lovelock, C. H., Wirtz, J. & Chatterjee, J. Services Marketing- People, Technology, Strategy. Pearson Education.
  • Valarie A, Z., Mary, J. B., & Dwayne D, G.. Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm. McGraw Hall.
  • Shajahan, S. Services Marketing – Concepts, Practices & Cases from Indian Environment. Himalaya Publishing Company.
  • Rai, A.K. CRM Concept & Cases. Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.



  • Vikalpa (P+O) (http://
  • FIIB Business Review (http://
  • Harvard Business Review (



  • Indian Journal of Marketing
  • Journal of Marketing
  • Marketing Management
  • Prabandhan
  • International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management
  • International Journal of Customer Relationship Management


Academic Year: