Laws for Business Entities in India

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will quip the students with essential legal knowledge to navigate the complexities of laws relating to business entities.


Course Outcomes: 

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24GCL 232


Laws for Business Entities in  India


CO25: Analyze the principles of Contract as per the Indian Contract Act, 1872.

CO26: Assess the conditions for performance and discharge of a contract as per the Indian Contract Act, 1872 and Develop an understanding of special contracts like Indemnity, Guarantee, Bailment, Pledge, Agency and Quasi Contacts.

CO27: Develop knowledge about the formulation of Partnership and LLP.

CO28: Discuss the essential requirements for the incorporation of a company.

CO29: Elaborate the key knowledge about KMP, Directors, Meetings, Winding Up and CSR.

CO30: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching: Class room Lecture (Theory/ Using Power Point Presentation), Discussions using Leading Case laws.


Learning activities for the students:

Role Play activities, Group Discussions, Class presentation.


Class participation, assignments and presentations, CA Test, Annual End Exams.



Unit I: 
Indian Contract Act,1872
  • Contract: - Meaning of contract, Types, Essentials of Valid Contract,
  • Void agreements: Meaning, Types.
  • Proposal and Acceptance: Meaning, legal rules as to the offer
  • Contractual capacity: Meaning, Minors (effects of minor’s agreements), Person of unsound mind,
  • Persons disqualified by law
  • Free consent,
  • Consideration


Unit II: 
Indian Contract Act,1872
  • Performance of contract: Meaning, Modes of performance,
  • Discharge of contract: modes of discharge of contract, Remedies
  • Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee
  • Contract of Bailment and Pledge, Agency
  • Quasi Contracts


Unit III: 
Partnership & Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008
  • Partnership Act 1932 - Meaning, nature of partnership,  partnership deed, Registration of partnership firm,  types of partners and partnership, Mutual Rights and duties.
  • Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008- Salient features of LLP,   Nature of LLP, Incorporation of LLP Partnership and Incidental Matters,  Partners and their relations, Extent and limitation of LLP


Unit IV: 
Companies Act 2013
  • Salient Features of Companies, Classification of companies.
  • Incorporation of company,
  • Memorandum of Association ,  Article of Association,  Prospectus.
  • Shares and Debentures


Unit V: 
Companies Act 2013

Key Managerial Personnel

Directors -Definition , type  and Powers.

Meetings- Proceedings, Winding up (Voluntary, under court’s supervision),

CSR provision and practices

Essential Readings: 
  1. Majumdar, A. K. and Kapoor, G. K., Student’s guide to Company Law, Taxmann Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi
  2. Singh, Avtar, Indian Company Law, Eastern Book Company.


  1. Nolakha, R.L., Company Law, Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur
  2. Kuchhal, MC, Company Law and Secretarial Practice, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
  3. Krishnamurti, D.S.R., Company Law, Taxmann, New Delhi.


  1. Pillai RSN, Bhagavathi, Business Laws, S. Chand publishing
  2. Ryder,Griffiths,Singh, Commercial Law: Principles & Policy, Cambridge University Press
  3. Study Material of ICSI on Economic, Business & Commercial laws
  4. ICSI executive level study material -
  5. ICAI intermediate level study material


Academic Year: