On 22nd January 2018, an extension activity was organized by the Department of Business Studies. The students of IISU( Business Studies) prepared and staged a short skit on the topic “Entrepreneurship and Self Employment” under the guidance and supervision of Dr. Akshita Jain and Dr. AanchalBhardwaj for which different posters were prepared by the students on the topic showing various startup schemes and policies launched by Indian government. The motive of the activity was to create and awareness among the students of class IX and X of Government School about the importance of self employment. The students of our department also acquainted the audience about startup skills and new government policies. They also gave examples some famous entrepreneurs to inspired the students. Handouts having contents regarding entrepreneurship was distributed to the audience. A quiz was also conducted by the students and every right answer was rewarded where as every try for an answer was appreciated. The activity was winded up with the vote of thanks to the teachers and students of government school for their coordination and cooperation.