last 5 years in chronological order

Events (last 5 years in chronological order):
a) Guest Lectures



S.No. Topic and Speaker Date Organizing Department(s) Target Students
1.   Mr. Vinay Modi-“Importance of Skills & Effective Personality in Managing Career” 12th Oct, 2011 Business Studies B.Com Pass Course & Honours
2. Mr. Sargam Jain- “Lokpal Bill” 05th Sept, 2011 Business Studies B.Com Pass Course & Honours



S.No Place of visits Date Organizing Department(s) Target Group
1.   Jaipur Central, Pink Square Mall, Jaipur 3rd Feb, 2011 Business Studies B.Com Retail Honours Students

c) Other Activities Organized

S.No Type of Competition Date Organizing Department(s) Target Group
1. Management Tambola 30th August, 2011 Business Studies B.Com Pass Course & Honours