Principles of Marketing

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The objective of this course is to equip the students with the knowledge of the marketing aspect of business and help them learn the marketing mix concepts.


Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcome

 (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

ABF 101

Principles of Marketing 

CO 25. Learn the basic concepts of marketing and to develop their conceptual skill to segment the market of a business firm.

CO 26 Student will be able to take effective decisions for launching new products in the market and gain knowledge of the various aspects of products.

CO 27 Student will learn the implications of different pricing methods and the factors influencing the pricing decision.

CO 28. Enhance knowledge regarding the levels of distribution channels and the various factors that influence the choice to select the distribution channel.CO 29 Develop the skills to design the promotion-mix strategies.

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, PPT, Sharing web links. 


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Role plays, presentation,  case study discussions. 

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 

concepts, Marketing philosophies, Selling Vs. Marketing, Marketing mix (4 Ps of Marketing), Market Segmentation (Elementary concepts)

Unit II: 


Concepts, Levels of product, Product Life Cycle, New product development process, Product line concepts, Product line policies, Product Standardization vs. Product Adaptation. 

Unit III: 


Pricing objectives, pricing methods and process, Factors influencing pricing

Unit IV: 
Physical distribution:


Physical distribution concepts, functional areas of physical distribution, Levels of distribution channels (Consumer goods & Industrial goods), factors influencing selection of distribution channels

Unit V: 
Promotion mix:


Advertising: Meaning, Medias, Merits and demerits of different types of media

Sales Promotion: Meaning, Consumer promotion & Dealer promotion tools

Public Relations: Meaning, Tools

Personal Selling: Meaning, Process

Direct Marketing: Meaning, Importance

Essential Readings: 

Essential Reading:

  1. Kotler, Philip and Keller, Kevin Lane, Marketing Management, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Delhi, 12th ed.
  2. Varshney, R. L. and Gupta, S. L., Marketing Management: Text and Cases-An Indian Perspective, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, 2005, 3rd ed.
  3. Ramaswamy, V.S. and Namakumari, S, Marketing Management: Planning Implementation and Control, Delhi: Macmillan India Ltd., 3rd ed. 
  4. Kothari, Rakesh; Mehta, Anil and Sharma, Ashok, Marketing Management¸ Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur




Reference books:

  1. Saxena. Rajan, Marketing Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 7th ed. 
  2. Sherlekar, S., Marketing Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2006, 13th ed. 
  3. Gandhi, J. C., Marketing Management –An Introduction, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
  4. Stanton, William, J. Fundamentals of Marketing, New York, McGraw Hill
  5. Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, Principles of Marketing, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
Academic Year: