Management of Small Scale Industries

Paper Code: 
MED 422
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The Objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the functions of small scale business management, which a businessman is generally exposed to or is affected by. The course aims at exposing the student to the regulatory framework of the Small Scale Industries.


Small Enterprise: Definition, Rationale, Objectives, Scope. Role of Small Scale Industries in economic development, Problems of Small Scale Industries, Opportunities for an Entrepreneurial Career.

Unit II: 
Legal Requirement for establishing new unit:

SSI Registration, Objectives of Registration, Registration Scheme, Provision for Certificate, Permanent Registration Certificate, Procedure for Registration.

Unit III: 
Sickness in Small Scale Units:-

Definition of Small Industrial Units, Symptoms, Incidences, Causes, Remedies. Institutional support to SSI-Definition & Functions, NSI, SIDO, SISI, DIC

Unit IV: 
Ownership Structures:-

Proprietorship, Partnership, Company, Co-operations. Selection of an appropriate form of ownership structure. Ownership pattern in SSI in India.

Unit V: 
Government policy for SSI:

 Government support to SSE during 5 years plans, Taxation benefits to SSE, Incentives & subsidies.

Essential Readings: 

1. G.S. Sudha, Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, RBD, Jaipur.
2. S.S. Khanka, Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand & Co. Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Desai, Vasant. Organization & Management of Small Scale Industry. Bombay, Himalaya.
4. Nafees A. Khan, Fundamentals of entrepreneurship, Anmol Publications, New Delhi.




Academic Year: