Indian Economy-Practical

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable students to analyze and understand key aspects of the Indian economy through practical activities such as case studies, presentations, and discussions, covering topics like economic comparison with other nations, policy impacts and trade policy exploration.




Course Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Indian Economy-Practical





CO235: Examine the features of the Indian economy and compare it with other economies based on various economic indicators.

CO236: Analyse the impact of various economic policies and reforms on different sectors of the economy.

CO237: Analyse the objectives of various economic policies like fiscal, monetary , commercial etc. and evaluate their effectiveness in achieving the desired outcomes.

CO238: Comprehend the contribution of MSMEs to the Indian economy, the challenges faced and the policy interventions introduced by the government to support its growth

CO239: Critically evaluate the trade policies of the Indian government and their impact on exports and imports. Students will also be able to conduct a SWOT analysis of India's export and import sector

CO240: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach to teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussions, Tutorials.


Learning activities for the students:                               Reading assignments, Demonstrations, and Team teaching


Class tests, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Case Study, Chart Creation, And Presentations On Indian Economy:
  • Indian Economy: A Comparison with other Economies, Economic Growth, Population, Sectoral Development, And Other Human Development Indicators)
  • Current Status And Trends Of The Indian Economy/ Inflation/Trade Cycles/Consumption Function


Unit II: 
Case Study, Chart Creation, And Presentations On Major Economic Reforms:
  • Analysis of the Impact of Various Policies on The Indian Economy. 
  • Analysis of the Impact of Demonetization, The Goods And Services Tax (GST), and other Major Economic Reforms on Different Sectors of the Economy.


Unit III: 
Preparation Of Charts / Reports On Current Policy Regime:
  • The Current Policy Regime: Study The Current Economic Policy Regime Of India, Including The Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy, And Trade Policy, And Analysis Of The Objectives Of These Policies And Evaluate Their Effectiveness In Achieving The Desired Outcomes.


Unit IV: 
Presentation/Case Study On MSME Sector In India:
  • MSME Sector In India:  Analysis of its Growth Trajectory Over The Past Few Years,  Contribution of MSMEs, Challenges, and Policy Interventions Introduced by the Government


Unit V: 
Preparation a Report on Explore Trade Policy:
  • Explore Trade Policy,  Export Promotion Schemes Introduced By The Government,  Import Tariff Rates, and The Measures Taken To Address Trade Imbalances.
  • SWOT Analysis of India's Export And Import Sector.


Essential Readings: 
  • Swami &Gupta ,“Economic Environment in India” ,RBD,Jaipur
  • Sundaram&Dutt, “Indian Economy” ,S Chand & Sons, New Delhi
  • RBI bulletin, NITI Aayog reports, IMF/World Bank reports
  • N.D Mathur: Economic Environment in INDIA, Shivam book house(P)ltd , Jaipur
  • A N Agarwal , “Indian Economy”, New India International Ltd, Chennai


  • Mathur, Mishra, Vyas – “Economic Environment in India”, RBSA Publication, Jaipur
  • A N Agarwal , “Indian Economy”, New India International Ltd, Chennai
  • Mishra Puri , Indian economy ,Himalaya publishing house
  • PratiyogitaDarpan :  General Studies (Indian Economy)









Reference Journals:


  • International Journal of Rural Management, http://
  • FIIB Business Review- http://
  • Vikalpa : http://
  • Directory of Open Access Journals


Reference Journals:


Academic Year: