Indian Economy Policies and Performance

Paper Code: 
COM 404
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The objective of this course is to cover different spheres of Indian Economy to make students aware  about the achievements and problems of our economy.


Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcome

 (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

COM 404

Indian Economy Policies and Performance

  1. Understanding the features of Indian economy.
  2. Demonstrate the knowledge regarding the different economic reforms: inflation, deflation, different financial reforms.
  3. Assessing different public undertaking and economic policies.
  4. Understanding and evaluating different aspects regarding economic planning.
  5. To develop knowledge regarding the unemployment, population in the economy and measures to curb them.


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments, Demonstration, Team teaching

Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation, Seminar presentation, Giving tasks

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects Observation, Presentation, Report writing



Indian Economy: Basic Features of Indian Economy Causes of under development of Indian Economy, India as Mixed Economy, India’s Position in World Economy, determinants of Economic development, developed v/s developing economy.


Economic Reforms: Need for economic reforms, Macro Economic Stabilization- Control of Inflation, fiscal adjustment, balance of payments adjustment, Structural adjustments- trade and capital Flow reforms, industrial deregulation, disinvestment and financial Sector Reforms.


Public Sector undertaking: Role and Problems. Mani Ratna & DIPAM (Overview) Economic Policies: Meaning, Objectives, National Agricultural Policy, fiscal policy, latest Industrial Policy of India


Economic Planning: Meaning & Significance, Objectives of planning, Basic features of India’s Five year plans, NITI Aayog: Functions and Objectives. Globalization- Meaning, Objectives, Positive & Negative impacts


Unemployment- Meaning, Types, Causes and remedies to remove unemployment: E-NAM, Make in India. Population: Main Features of census 2011, Demographic profile ,Health Policy. Population growth as a retarding factor to Economic Development, Present National Population Policy

Essential Readings: 

• Swami &Gupta ,“Economic Environment in India” ,RBD,Jaipur • Sundaram &Dutt, “Indian Economy” ,S Chand & Sons, New Delhi


• Pratiyogita Darpan : General Studies (Indian Economy) • Mathur, Mishra, Vyas – “Economic Environment in India”, RBSA Publication, Jaipur • A N Agarwal , “Indian Economy”, New India International Ltd, Chennai

Academic Year: