Human Resource Management

Paper Code: 
BSG 323
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course will enable students to -


  1. Enable students to understand the importance of human resources in todays’ time.
  2. Impart knowledge regarding effective management of human resource  in organizations.




Learning outcome (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title


Human Resource Management


The students will be able to –


CO59: Understand basic nature and importance of human resource management along with the functions and role of a HR manager, and also the different tools used in forecasting and planning human resource needs.


CO60: Analyze the current theory and practice of recruitment ,  selection , placement and induction that the various organisations adopt.


CO61: Realize the importance of training and performance appraisal system in enhancing employee performance and understand the basis of promotion and transfer in the organisation along with the various types of employee separations.


CO62: Understand the importance of discipline in an organisation and the various disciplinary measures adopted. The student will also have a brief idea about grievance handling, succession planning, career planning and participative management which is the current need of the organisation to reduce the labour turnover and have a contented workforce.


CO63: Recommend actions based on results of the compensation analysis and design compensation schemes that are cost effective, that increase productivity of the workforce, and comply with the legal framework, understand the role of modern HRM in meeting challenges of changing business environments.

Approach in teaching:


Interactive Lectures, Discussion, PPT, Sharing web links .


Learning activities for the students:


Self learning assignments, Role plays, presentation, Real life examples from newspapers, business magazines and web sources. case study discussions. 

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects




Unit I: 
Human Resource Management (HRM)

Human Resource Management (HRM): Concept, Nature, Significance, Objectives and Functions, Role of a HR Manager

Human Resource Development (HRD): Meaning, Definition, Features, Objectives and Importance

Human Resource Planning (HRP) : Meaning, Definition, Features, Objectives, Importance &  Process

Unit II: 
Job Analysis

Job Analysis: Meaning, Definition, Features and Purpose, Job description and Job Specification

Recruitment: Concept & Sources (Internal and External)

Selection:  Concept & Process

Placement: Concept, Features & Benefits

Induction/Orientation: Objectives and Importance

Unit III: 

Training : Concept, Need , Importance, Types, Process, Methods

Performance Appraisal: Concept, Objective, Importance, Methods, Process

Job Evaluation: Features, Objectives and Importance

Promotion: Advantages, Basis

Transfer: Types, Benefits, Problems

Employee Separations: Features, Benefits and Types

Unit IV: 

Discipline: Concept , Features, Objectives, Importance, Types of Discipline Problems, Disciplinary Measures

Grievance Handling: Features, Need, Causes

Career Planning: Meaning, Features, Objectives and Importance

Succession Planning: Concept

Participative Management: Meaning. Objectives, Importance

Unit V: 
Wage Payment

Wage Payment: Types of Wages, Components of Employee Remuneration, Methods of Wage Payment( Time Wage, Piece wage and Incentive Wage), Compensation Package, Essential Characteristics of a Sound Wage Plan


Fringe Benefits: Need and Importance, Objectives, Types

Profit Sharing: Concept, Features, Objectives, Types of Profit Sharing Plans, Advantages and Disadvantages of Profit Sharing Plans

Bonus: Concept

Recent Trends in HRM

Essential Readings: 
  1. Edwin B. Flippo, Principles of Personnel Management, McGraw Hill International Book Co., New York.
  2. C. B. Gupta, Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi











  1. C. B. Mamoria, and S.V. Gankar, A Text book ofHuman Resource Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
  2. K. Ashwathappa, Human Resources and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications, New Delhi
  3. P.S. SubbaRao, Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
Academic Year: