Human Resource Management

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to develop a comprehensive understanding of human resource management principles, practices and strategies to effectively manage personnel and maximize organizational performance.


Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Human Resource Management



CO127:Apply the concepts in HR planning & job analysis.

CO128: Analyze HR procurement strategies and design impactful training programs.

CO129: Evaluate various performance appraisal methods that will demonstrate adeptness in handling promotion, demotion, and transfer.

CO130: Design suitable compensation plan for various job positions.

CO131: Appraise the emerging HR trends to cope up with the dynamic environment.

CO132: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Classroom lectures, Assignments, PowerPoint presentations, Videos, Sharing reference reading materials and web links.



Learning activities for the students:

Case studies, Role plays, Student presentation, Group Discussions.


Class Test



Oral and PPT presentations

CA Exam 

Semester End Examination


Unit I: 
  • Human Resource Management: Characteristics, Objectives, Importance, Functions & Scope, Role of a HR manager
  • Human Resource Planning: Characteristics, Process
  • Job Analysis: Features & purpose, Job Description & Job Specification

Practical-Designa Job Description &Job Specification for any post


Unit II: 
Human Resource Procurement & Training

·         Recruitment: Features & Sources

·         Selection: Features & Process

·         Placement: Features & Benefits

·         Induction: Features, Objectives & Benefits

·         Training: Features, Need, Importance, Process & Methods

Practical-Case Study on Induction

Unit III: 
Performance Appraisal & Job Changes
  • Performance Appraisal: Features, Objectives, Importance, Process & Methods
  • Promotion:  Advantages & Basis, Promotion Policy
  • Demotion:  Meaning & Causes
  • Transfer: Types, Reasons, Objections

Practical- CaseStudyon PerformanceAppraisal


Unit IV: 
Compensation & Benefits

·         Employee Compensation: Characteristics, Components, Objectives, Importance, Factors affecting Compensation Policy & System, Essentials of a Sound Compensation Plan

·         Methods of Wage Payment: Time Wage, Piece Wage & Incentive Wage

·         Fringe Benefits: Need & Importance, Objectives, Types

Practical-Devise the various fringe benefits for any post

Unit V: 
Emerging Issues in HRM

·         Employee Empowerment: Need, Importance, Ways to empower employees

·         Downsizing & Work life balance:  Concept

·         Role of Technology in HRM functions

·         Green HRM

·         Ethics in HRM

Practical-Power point presentations on Emerging Issues in HRM

Essential Readings: 
  • Rao, VSP, Human Resource Management, Excel Books, New Delhi
  • Mamoria, C.B. and Gankar, S.V., A Text book of Human Resource Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
  • Ashwathappa, K.,Human Resources and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications, New Delhi
  • Sudha,G.S., Human Resource Management: Text & Cases, RBD Publishing House, New Delhi




  • Flippo, Edwin           B., Principles      of         Personnel          Management, McGraw-Hill International Book Co., NewYork.
  • Gupta, C.B., Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
  • Subba Rao, P.S., Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai





  • HRM Review
  • Journal of Organizational and Human Behaviour
  • South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management
  • OPUS: Annual HR Journal



Academic Year: