Human Resource Management

Paper Code: 
BSG 512
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The Course aims at providing the overview of the functional aspect of the Human Resource Management in a business organization.


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

BSG 512

Human Resource Management

  1.  Understand the concept of Human resource management and the role of Human resource manager in effective business administration.
  2. Understand the role that HRM has to play in manpower planning as well as the role of recruitment and selection in relation to the organization’s business and HRM objectives.
  3. Comprehend with the concept, importance, process and techniques of training.
  4.  Understand various aspects of compensation along with profound study of various fringe benefits provided by the organizations.
  5. Understand concept, importance and methods of performance appraisal with brief study of transfers and promotions

Approach in teaching:

Classroom lectures, Group Discussions, assignments, Handouts , PowerPoint presentations,

Learning activities for the students:

Case studies, Role plays, Student presentations

Class test, Semester end examination,Quiz, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects





Human Resource Management : Concept, Objectives and Importance, Difference between Human Resource Management and Personnel Management, Functions of a Human Resource manager


Human     Resource     Planning:      Concept     and     Process. Recruitment: Concept and Sources. Selection: Concept& Process(Types of tests & Interviews) Placement : Concept  Induction: Concept , Objectives and Types


Training : Concept, Types &Methods(On the job & Off the Job), Process, Training v/s Development



Employee Compensation: Concept, Objectives and Components, Essential of sound compensation plan, Types of Wages, Methods of Wage Payment,Incentives and Bonus.

Fringe benefits: Concept , Need , Objectives and Types


Performance    appraisal:     Concept,    Objectives,     Methods (Traditional & Modern), Process. Transfer:    Concept,    Types    ,    Reasons    and    Objectives. Promotion :Concept, Types and Basis.

Essential Readings: 
  • Edwin    B.    Flippo,    Principles    of    Personnel    Management,    McGraw    Hill International Book Co., New York.
  • C. B. Gupta, Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
  • Rao, VSP, Human Resource Management, Excel Books, New Delhi
  • C. B. Mamoria, and S.V. Gankar, A Text book ofHuman Resource Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
  • K. Ashwathappa, Human Resources and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw- Hill Publications, New Delhi
  • P.S. SubbaRao, Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
Academic Year: