Concept and boundaries of Human Resource Development- Concept of HRD, Development as the underlying concept of HRS, Structuring the system of HRD, Principles of Designing HRD System, Analyzing the role for Development
Matching the role and the person- Selection procedure and techniques, Assessment Center Approach, Role Set as a strategy of selection and Appraisal System, Induction and Placement: The Beginning of Socialization
Developing the person in and beyond the personal Role- Objectives of Performance Appraisal, Conditions for use of Open Appraisal System, linkages with other system, steps to be followed in a good potential appraisal system; Current Status and Experiences, Developing Dyadic Relationship: Performance Review, Counseling
Preparing for Advancement- Assessing Human Development Needs, Planned training interventions, the costs and benefits of training interventions, Designing Effective Human Development Programs, Implementing and evaluating Human Resource Development Program. Competency Mapping & Assessment, Designing and Implementation of Competency Model.
Recent Trends in HRD- Management Development, Organizational Development and Change, Marketing and positioning HRD Programs within the organization, benefits and cost associated with HRD, HR diversity in the global economy - The rise of transnational corporations, their influence on the employment relationship.