Economic Analysis

Paper Code: 
MED 123
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with concepts and techniques used in economic theory and to enable them to apply this knowledge in business decision-making.

Unit I: 
Micro Economics:

 Meaning and Definition, scope of micro economics Difference and Inter Dependence of Micro and Macro Economics. Role of micro and macro economics in the formulation of business policy

Utility Approach- concept of utility, Law of Diminishing marginal utility, Law of Equi Marginal Utility

Unit II: 
Indifference Curve Approach:

Concept, properties of indifference curve, consumer equilibrium, price effect, income and substitution effect

Demand analysis: -Law  of demand, elasticity of demand,: degree of elasticity, methods of measuring elasticity

Unit III: 
Cost Analysis:

Types of cost , short run and long run cost curves

Revenue: Concept and types

Law of Production- Meaning of Production, Law of Variable Proportions, Returns to scale, Isoquants: Properties of isoquants, isoquants and return to scale

Unit IV: 

Meaning, Characteristics of Market.

Price and Output determination under:  Perfect Competition, imperfect competition, Monopoly, Discriminating Monopoly, Oligopoly (Kinked demand curve)

Duopoly and Monposony- definition and features

Unit V: 
Marginal productivity theory of distribution:

 Concept, price determination  in  perfect  & imperfect  market

Interest :types of interest, Keynesian theory of interest and modern theory of interest

Profit: concept of profit, uncertainty theory of profit, modern theory of profit

Essential Readings: 
  • Somdeo, Business Economics, RBD, Jaipur
  • Mathur, N.D, Business Economics, Shivam Publication, Jaipur
  • Baumol, W J. Economic Theory and Operations Analysis.3rded,New Delhi, Prentice Hall 1996
  • Jain, Khaana, Tiwari, Modern Business Economics,V K publications
  • D. M Mithani, Managerial Economics, Himayala  Publishing House
  • Dwivedi D.N, Managerial Economics, Vikas Publications, Delhi
  • Koutsoyiannis, Modern Economics, New York, Macmillan,1991
Academic Year: