Course Outcomes (COs):
Course Outcomes (COs):
Course Outcomes
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
CO134 : Analyze various administrative positions in Indian companies and provisions related to them. CO135 : Discover different provisions related to the company secretary described in companies Act. CO136 : Examine secretarial functions relating to share allotment, forfeiture, transfer and transmission. Students will discover provisions relating to dividend and its distribution. CO137 : Explore about different type of company meetings and provisions required for holding a valid company meeting. CO 138: Appraise the new provisions of the companies act for defining the roles and responsibilities of a company towards various stakeholders of the company. |
Approach in teaching: Interactive Classroom lectures, Assignments, PowerPoint presentations, Videos, Sharing reference reading materials and web links.
Learning activities for the students: Case studies, Role plays, Student presentation, Group Discussions. |
Assignments, Mid semester test, Semester end examination, Quiz, case Presentation by students. |