Business Ethics and Corporate Governance

Paper Code: 
24CBSG 213
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to understand the concept of ethics and its application in business and conducting business as per government regulations while taking care of all the stakeholders.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title

24CBSG 213


Business Ethics and Corporate Governance



CO49: Comprehend the concept of business ethics, its evolution theories sources and its application in business.

CO50: Exhibit dilemmas faced at work, ways to resolve it and managing ethics at work through programme & training designs.

CO51: Investigate the major ethical issue concerning business in general and in specific functional areas like marketing, finance etc.

CO52: Create a framework for effective corporate governance and understand its basics, emergence and consequences of poor corporate governance.

CO53: Interpret the rights, roles and responsibilities of directors & shareholders along with the concept of corporate social responsibility in India.

CO54: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Class room Lecture (Theory/ Using Power Point Presentation)


Learning activities for the students:

Case Studies/Role Play activities/Group Discussions/ Class Presentation 


Class participation, tutorial assignments and presentations, class tests, CA Test, Semester End Exams.



Unit I: 
Business Ethics
  • Concept, Nature, features, importance and need of ethics in business
  • Ethics, Morals and Values
  • Reasons for ethical problems in business
  • Ethical Concepts and Theories- Normative theories
  • Business Ethics and Stakeholders
  • Corporate code- development and implementation
  • Relationship between business and ethics – Unitarian, separatist, integration
  • Stages of ethical consciousness


Unit II: 
Ethical Dilemma & Diversity Management
  • Dilemma at Work: Sources,  Ways to Resolve Dilemma, Waltom’s modal, effect of ethical dilemma on stakeholders
  • Whistle blowing: Concepts and Types
  • Managing Ethics: Key organizational and programme designs, company codes, ethical training programmes


Unit III: 
Global Ethical Issues- Key issues


  • Laws enforcing ethics
  • Environmental Ethics
  • Different Types of Pollutions and its impact on Environment and Society
  • Ethical Issues in Functional Area:  Concept, Ethics in Marketing, Ethics in Finance, Ethics in HR and Ethics in Information Technology


Unit IV: 
Corporate Governance


  • Concept, importance
  • Landmarks in emergence of corporate governance- Narayan Murthy, Naresh Chandra, Kumar Mangalam, committees- Cadbury, OECD, SEBIs
  • Difference between Governance and Management
  • Purpose & features of Good Governance
  • Potential Consequence of poor CG
  • Gandhian theory of Trusteeship
  • Key issues in corporate governance
Unit V: 
Strengthening Corporate Governance & CSR
  • Role and composition of the board (independent, nominee, executive and nonexecutive director, woman director, shadow director and resident director)
  • Remuneration of directors and senior executives
  •  Rights and responsibilities of shareholders
  • Ownership of independent directors
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):  Introduction to CSR, Advantages and Scope, Indian Scenario, Corporate Governance  and CSR, Corporate governance rating


Essential Readings: 
  • Jones, Gareth R. and George, Jennifer M., Contemporary Management, McGraw- HillCollege
  • Manuel G Velasquez, Business ethics, concepts and cases Pearson
  • Luthans Hodgetts and Thompson: Social issues in business, Macmillan USA
  • George D, Richard T., Business Ethics. Prentice Hall of India
  • Sherlekar, S. A., Ethics in Management, Himalaya Publishing House
  • A.C. Fernando: Business Ethics Pearson Education.
  • A.C. Fernando: Corporate Governance Pearson Education.
  • Adrian Davies: Strategic approach to corporate governance Gower Pub Co
  • Murthy. C. SV, Business Ethics, Himalaya Publication


  • Rituparna, Raj, A Study in Business Ethics, Himalaya Publishing House,
  • Hartman, Laura, Perspectives in Business Ethics, Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill.
  • Weiss, Business Ethics, Thomson Learning





  • Journal of Business Ethics
  • Indian Journal of Corporate Governance
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management - Wiley Online Library


Academic Year: