Advertising Management

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

This course will enable the students to explore advertising management comprehensively, covering key aspects such as advertising concepts, media selection, message creation, budgeting, agency collaboration, effectiveness measurement, and ethical considerations, fostering a holistic understanding of the advertising landscape.

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code







Advertising  Management (Theory)

CO91: Analyze advertising concepts, processes, and the 5 M's to enhance campaign effectiveness and strategy. CO92: Design innovative advertising strategies, leveraging media and creativity to craft compelling advertising messages.

CO93: Assess advertising budget allocation and consider economic and social impacts of advertising for optimal effectiveness.

 CO94: Evaluate and improve advertising agency strategies to maximize campaign effectiveness and client satisfaction.

CO95: Measure the effectiveness of advertising , analyze the legal and ethical issues in advertising and debate the current trends in advertising industry.

CO96: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, PPT, Sharing web links.

Learning activities for students:

 Self learning assignments, Role plays, presentation, Real life examples from newspapers, business magazines and web sources, case study discussions. 

CA test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation.


Unit I: 
Introduction to Advertising


  • Advertising: Concept, Objectives, Benefits to-Manufacturers, Consumers, Salesman/Distributors & Society, Classification, Functions, Process,
  • Advertising Vs Personal Selling, Advertising Vs Sales Promotion, 5 M’s of Advertising.


Unit II: 
Advertising Media and Message
  • Advertising Media:  Types, Advantages & Disadvantages.
  • Media Selection, Planning, Scheduling, and Strategy.
  • Creativity in Advertising (Creative Design Process)
  •  Advertising Message: Steps for creating advertising message (Concept of Copy, Copy elements (Print, Radio, Television & Social Media), , Copy Writing and Copy Research, Message: Design and Evaluation 


Unit III: 
Advertising Budget, Economic and Social Aspects of Advertising


  • Advertising Budget: Concept & Methods (Percentage of Sales, Competitive Parity, Objective & Task, Affordable, Judgement, Increase over last year’s Budget, Return on Investment, Statistical, Marginal Revenue) , Process, Factors affecting the advertising budget.
  • Economic and Social Aspects of Advertising



Unit IV: 
Advertising Agency


  • Advertising Agency : Concept, Functions, Benefits ( To Clients & To Media), Types, Selection of an Ad Agency, Organization of Ad Agency , Agency-client relationship, Methods of remunerations to ad agency(Commission System, Fee System, Service Charges).
  • Ad Agency in India
  • Role of ASCI


Unit V: 
Measuring Advertising Effectiveness, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Advertising



  • Measuring Advertising effectiveness: Importance, DAGMAR, Various Techniques Pre test Methods (Consumer Jury Test, Trial Area Test, Eye Movement Camera Test, Direct Mail Test, Laboratory Tests, Theatre Test, Advertising Concept) and Post test methods (Recognition test, Association test,  Sales Result test, Day after recall test, Inquiry test, Gallup and Robinson Recall Test, Split Runtest, Portfolio test)
  • Ethical Issues in Advertising
  • Legal aspects of advertising.
  • GAMA Portal : concept.
  •  Recent Trends Trends in Advertising


Essential Readings: 

Essential Readings:

1.     Chunawalla, S.A., Foundations of Advertising Theory and Practice, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai.

2.     Kazmi, S. H. H. and Batra, Satish K., Advertising & Sales Promotion, Excel Books, New Delhi.

3.     Batra, Rajeev, Myers, John G. and Aaker, David A., Advertising management, Pearson Education, Delhi.



Suggested Readings:

  1. Jethwaney ,J., Jain,S., Advertising Management, Oxford University Press,India.
  2. Belch, George E, Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective, McGraw Hill Companies.
  3. Jefkins,F., Advertising , Pearson Education, Delhi.

Note: Latest edition of the readings may be used.



  1.         Hackley,C.,  Advertising and Promotion, Sage Publications, New Delhi


Academic Year: