Advertising and Sales Promotion

Paper Code: 
BSG 617(A)
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


The course aims at imparting knowledge with respect to the functional aspect of advertising and the concepts, tools and techniques of Sales Promotion.




Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title


Advertising and Sales Promotion


CO 216:The students would be able to understand the essential definitions concepts, model and various types of advertising

CO 217:To acquaint the students about the advertising campaign planning process , objectives and message design

CO 218:To familiarize the students about advertising budget, media planning and factors affecting selection of media

CO 219:To give insight about advertising effectiveness, audit and role of agency.

CO 220:The students would learn about sales promotion and its various techniques of consumer and industrial promotion.


Approach in.. teaching:

Lectures, Discussion, PPT,  Assignments, Handouts


Learning activities for the students:

Self learning assignments, Role plays, presentation, case study discussions. 



Class Test


Individual.llll projects

CA Exam 

Semester End Examination



Advertising: definition, importance concepts, investment vs. expense approach, DAGMAR approach, 5M model, types of Advertising



Advertising campaign planning: meaning , process Advertising objectives, Advertising message


Advertising budget: meaning, factors affecting budget, methods. Media planning, Reach, Frequency, Media scheduling, factors affecting selection of media



Measuring advertising effectiveness: meaning, importance, advertising effectiveness methods- pre-test and post test. Advertising audit, Advertising agency: meaning, role, types of agencies


Sales Promotion: meaning, importance. Consumer promotion: meaning, importance, tools. Industrial promotion: meaning, importance, tools Sales Promotion vs. Advertising

Essential Readings: 


·         Mishra, M. N., Sales Promotion and Advertising Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai

·         Chunawalla, S. A., Sethia, K.C., Foundations of Advertising Theory and Practice, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai

  • Batra, Myers, Aaker, Advertising Management, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
  • Sudha, G.S., Advertising and Sales Promotion, Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur
Academic Year: