Retail Human Resource

Paper Code: 
BSR 416
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The Course aims at providing the overview of the functional aspect of the Human Resource Management in Retail business organization


Human Resource Management: Meaning, Features, Scope, Importance Retailing: Meaning, Features, Types(Store and Non store), Organized and Unorganized Retailing Skills required in Indian retailing


Organisational Patterns in Retailing: Organisational arrangements used by Small independent retailers, Department stores, Chain retailers, Diversified Retailers Recruitment: Meaning, recruitment process, sources of recruitment( Internal & External) Selection: Meaning, Selection Process


Training : Meaning, Types, Importance,Methods ,Process. Performance Appraisal: Meaning, Importance, process, Techniques


Compensation: Meaning, Components of compensation, Supplementary Compensation (Fringe Benefits) Discipline and Grievance: Meaning, Types, Grievance redressal procedure


Ethical issues in Retail Human Resource Managemenr: Meaning, Ethical Considerations in Retail Human Resource Management, Types of Unethical Behaviours, Retail HR ethical issues Human Resource Challenges in Indian Retail sector

Essential Readings: 

1. Aswathappa K “ Human Resource and Personnel Management”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2. Gupta C B “Human Resource management”, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi 3. V S P Rao “Human Resource management- Text and Cases”, Excel Publications, New Delhi 4. Berman Berry, Evans Joel R, ChatterjeePatrali, SrivastavaRitu “Retail Management” Pearson Publication, Uttar Pradesh


1. Bhatia S K & Singh Nirmal “ Principles and techniques of Personnel Management and Human Resource Management”, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi 2. Garry Dessler “Human Resource management”, Prentice Hall Of India, New Delhi 3. Cox Roger, Brittain Paul, “Retailing”, Pearson Publication, Uttar Pradesh

Academic Year: