Performance Management

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to appraise the importance and nuances of performance management system in an organization.


Course Outcomes: 


Course outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24DBSG 611B


Performance Management  (Theory)

CO217: Critically assess Performance Management Systems, its objectives and features and its integrate with HR practices to enhance organizational performance and development.

CO218: Evaluate the performance management process, its prerequisites, components, and objectives, including basic knowledge of electronic PMS.

CO219: Assess the intricacies of performance planning systems and gain a thorough understanding of competency mapping principles.

CO220: critically analyze performance appraisal concepts and its methods along with comprehensive understanding to create performance appraisal form.

CO221: Assess the performance monitoring concepts and methods while developing a comprehensive understanding of performance counseling principles.

CO222: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Power point based lectures, Group Discussion, Tutorials.

Learning activities for the students:

Reading assignments, Group Discussions/ Class presentation 

CA test, Assignments, Quiz , Observation, and Semester End Exam


Unit I: 
Performance Management: Introduction
  • Performance Management - Definition, history, contribution, aims & role of PM system, characteristics of an ideal PM system, disadvantages of poorly developed performance management system
  • Linkage of performance management system with other HR practices


Unit II: 
Performance management process
  • Performance Management Process-Prerequisites, Components of Performance Management System: Performance planning; Performance Execution, Assessment, Review, Renewal & recontraction
  • Objectives of performance management system, Characteristics of effective performance management system
  • Overview of Electronic performance management system



Unit III: 
Performance Planning
  • Performance Planning –meaning, characteristics, objectives, importance, methodologies, process, barriers
  • Introduction to performance criteria
  • Competence mapping – definition & methods


Unit IV: 
Performance Appraisal
  • Performance Appraisal - meaning, characteristics, objectives, importance, advantages & disadvantages, process, methods (traditional & modern methods)
  • Elements of good appraisal system
  • Designing performance appraisal form, common rating errors


Unit V: 
Performance Monitoring & Counselling
  • Performance Monitoring -meaning, characteristics, objectives, importance, process
  • Performance Counselling – Meaning, Principles, Process, Performance counselling skills, checklist for managers


Essential Readings: 
  • Aguinis H. Performance Management. Pearson.
  • Kohli, A.S. Performance Management. Oxford Higher Education.
  • Bhattacharyya, D.K., Performance management systems and strategies, Pearson Education.
  • Armstrong, M. & Baron, A., Performance management and development, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai.
  • Armstrong, M., Performance management: Key strategies and practical guidelines, Kogan Page, London.


  • Robert B., Performance management, McGraw-Hill Education India.
  • ASTD, Talent management: Strategies for success from six leading companies, Cengage Learning.
  • Rao, T.V., Hurconomics for talent management: Making the HRD missionary business-driven, Pearson Education.
  • Shukla, R., Talent management: Process of developing and integrating skilled worker, Global India Publications, New Delhi.
  • Silzer, R. and Dowell, B.E. (eds.), Strategy drive talent management: A leadership imperative, Publication of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.


  • Vikalpa (P+O) (http://
  • FIIB Business Review (http://
  • Harvard Business Review (


  • International Journal of Productivity & Performance Management
  • International Journal of Performance Management
  • HRM Review




Academic Year: