Colouring Activity on “Say No to Plastic” under Unnat Bahart Abhiyan

Activity : Colouring Activity on “Say No to Plastic” Venue : Government Primary School , Ramjipura, Neveta, Jaipur Date : October 15th , 2019 The Department of Business Studies of IIS (deemed-to-be) university, under the Unnat Bharat Abhiyan scheme of Government of India has conducted an activity on “Say No to Plastic” for creating awareness regarding ill effects of using plastic among the students of government primary school, Neveta. A team of students of the department, for the purpose conducted a colouring activity in school. After the activity , students of school were made aware about the harms caused by using plastic materials in our life and its impact on the environment. They were also guided not to use and let others not to use plastic items like plastic bottles, polyethene bags, etc. The children enthusiastically participated in the activity and promised not to use plastic in the future and also agreed to create awareness regarding it in their community. At the end colours were gifted to the students of the school from the students team from university.