Statistics for Business Decisions

Paper Code: 
MED 225
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This paper will give the knowledge to the students for the practical implementation of various statistical tools and techniques used in research, using SPSS.


Unit I: 
Statistical Testing:

Parametric vs. Non parametric, Logic, Confidence Intervals, Power of the test, Normal Curve, Normality Test, Homogeneity of variance, Bootstrapping

Unit II: 
Linear Correlation and Regression:

Pearson Correlation, Spearman Correlation, Kendall Tau B, Scatter Plots, Partial correlation, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression

Unit III: 

One Sample, Independent Sample, Paired t test

Analysis of variance: General linear Model, Key Terms, Uni-variate, Multivariate, Repeated Measures, Contrasts, Multiple pairwise comparisons, Main effects, conditional means

Unit IV: 

Non Parametric Tests: Mann Whitney U test, Wilcoxon Signed ranks test, Kruskal Wallis Test, Friedman Test

Chi square Test: Test of Independence, 2x2 Cross tabulation, Layered cross tab, Goodness of fit

Unit V: 
Advanced Analysis:

Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Cronbach Alpha

Essential Readings: 
  1. James B Cunningham (2011), Using SPSS: An interactive hands- on Approach, Peacock publisher, 3rd Edition.
  2. Mervyn(2015), SAS Data Analysis, Springer (SIE) Publishing House.
  3. Venkat Reddy Konasani and Shailendra Kadre (2015), Practical Business Analytics Using SAS: A Hands-on Guide,Dreamtech Press.
  4. A. Rajathi& P. Chandran (2012), SPSS for You, mjp publishers.
  5. Seyed Reza HashemianRahaghi, Farnaz Abed Ashtiani (2011), Basic of Statistics & SPSS, create space independent publishing platform.
  6. Robert H. Carver (2013), Doing Data Analysis with SPSS version 18.0, Cengage publishers, 5th edition.
  7. S. Ajai Gaur (2009), Statistical methods for practice & research: A guide to Data Analysis using SPSS, Sage Publishers, 2nd edition.


Academic Year: