Services Marketing

Paper Code: 
MMC 424
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course aims at exposing the students to the various aspects & concepts of production & operations activities that are important for the smooth running of an enterprise.


Unit I: 
Introduction to Services & Services marketing

Services -Concept of, Characteristics .Difference between Goods and Services, Classification of services

Concept of Service Marketing, components of service marketing, Goods and service continuum.

Significance of services marketing.

Unit II: 
Marketing Mix for services

Marketing Mix: Meaning and importance of Marketing mix of services.

Marketing mix elements for services-Product - Levels of service product, Service  Product mix and its features, New service development process. Price mix ,Place mix, Various Tools of Promotion mix.Expanded mix for service marketing - People, Process and Physical Evidence. Service marketing Triangle

Unit III: 
Strategic Issues in Services marketing

Segmentation- concept. Basis for segmentation. Targeting- concept , strategies,

Positioning-meaning & importance.

Marketing research in services marketing- concept   & process.

Unit IV: 
Service quality

 Meaning, importance. Dimensions used to measure   service quality. GAP Model of service quality.

Total Quality  Management : Meaning, principle, effects. Quality Circles: definition, benefits, structure.

Service encounter- meaning ,  type. Service failure – meaning , reasons . Service recovery- meaning, strategies. Customer retention- meaning, benefits.

Unit V: 
Bank Marketing

Concept, Need, Importance, Marketing mix for banking services.

Insurance Marketing-Concept, Need, Importance, Marketing mix for insurance services.

Tourism Marketing- Concept, Need, Importance, Marketing mix for tourism services

Essential Readings: 

1. Adam EE and Ebert RJ; Production and Operations Management; PHI, New Delhi
2. Dobler, D.W. etc. Purchasing & Material Management, New York, Mc. Graw Hill.
3. Dutta, A.K. Integrated Materials Management, New Delhi, PHI, 1986.


1. Caubang, Ted C. Readings on Production Planning & Control, Geneva, ILO.
2. Baily P. etc. Purchasing Principles & Management. London, Pitman, 1994.

Academic Year: