Services Marketing

Paper Code: 
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Course Objectives:: This course will enable the students to acquire in-depth understanding of services and their marketing related issues.

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course title





Services Marketing (Theory)

CO109: Critically evaluate and categorize various types of services, distinguish them from goods, and appraise essential service marketing concepts and their significance in the contemporary business environment.

CO110: Appraise the concept of marketing mix for services, demonstrating a deep understanding of its meaning, importance and various elements.

CO111: Assess strategic issues in services marketing and demand management, appraise the intricacies of marketing research, and demonstrate the ability to design and execute comprehensive research processes.

CO112: Interpret the concept of service quality, TQM, and Quality Circles along with critically analyzing service encounters, failures, recovery strategies, and their pivotal role in enhancing customer loyalty and retention.

CO113: Evaluate and assess the marketing mix elements of banking, insurance and tourism services.

CO114: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching: Concept based Lecture supported with live examples, Case study discussion.


Learning activities for students:

 Self- learning reading assignments, Group Discussions, Case study analysis. 

CA test, Observation, Quiz , Assignments, Presentation,

Semester end examinations


Unit I: 
Introduction to Service & Service Marketing


  • Introduction to Services & Services marketing:
  • Services -Concept of, Characteristics. Difference between Goods and Services, Classification of services
  • Concept of Service Marketing, components of service marketing, Goods and service continuum.
  • Significance of services marketing.


Unit II: 
Marketing Mix for Services


  • Marketing Mix for services:
  • Marketing Mix: Meaning and importance of Marketing mix of services.
  • Marketing mix elements for services-Product - Levels of service product, Service  Product mix and its features, New service development process. Price mix ,Place mix, Various Tools of Promotion mix. Expanded mix for service marketing - People, Process and Physical Evidence. Service marketing Triangle


Unit III: 
Strategic issues, Research & Service Demand


  • Strategic Issues in Services marketing:
  • Segmentation- concept. Basis for segmentation. Targeting- concept , strategies,
  • Positioning-meaning & importance.
  • Marketing research in services marketing- concept   & process
  • Service Demand management – Demand situations, Demand pattern , Demand management strategies.


Unit IV: 
Service quality, Service Encounter & Customer Retention


  • Service quality – meaning, importance. Dimensions used to measure   service quality. GAP Model of service quality.
  • Total Quality Management : Meaning, principle, effects. Quality Circles: definition, benefits, structure.
  • Service encounter- meaning, type. Service failure – meaning, reasons. Service recovery- meaning, strategies. Customer retention- meaning, benefits


Unit V: 
Marketing of Banking , Insurance & Tourism Services


  • Bank Marketing-Concept, Need, Importance, Marketing mix for banking services.
  • Insurance Marketing-Concept, Need, Importance, Marketing mix for insurance services.
  • Tourism Marketing- Concept, Need, Importance, Marketing mix for tourism services.
  • Recent trends in services marketing.


Essential Readings: 

Essential Readings: 

  1. Apte G. Services Marketing. Oxford Higher Education.
  2. Srinivasan R. Service Marketing- The Indian Context. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
  3. Rao, K Rama Mohan. Services Marketing. Pearson Education.
  4. Jha S. M. Service Marketing. Himalaya Publishing House.





Suggested Readings: 

  1. Lovelock, C. H., Wirtz, J. & Chatterjee, J. Services Marketing- People, Technology, Strategy. Pearson Education.
  2. Valarie A, Z., Mary, J. B., & Dwayne D, G.. Services Marketing: Intergrating Customer Focus Across the Firm. McGraw Hall.
  3. Grönroos, C. Service management and marketing: customer management in service competition. John Wiley & Sons.
  4. Shajahan, S. Services Marketing – Concepts, Practices & Cases From Indian Environment. Himalaya Publishing Company.

Note: Latest edition of the readings may be used.

e-Resources :

Academic Year: