Sales Management

Paper Code: 
BSR 317
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

Sales  is the integral aspect of marketing, which generates revenue for the entire organization, thereby providing life blood for it. This course provides the knowledge of the various functional aspect of sales management on the whole and equips the students with the salesmanship skills.

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning outcome

 (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

BSR 317

Sales Management

CO 108 : Understand the fundamental concept of sales management and its importance in effective management of an organization. 

CO 109: Comprehend the concept of personal selling and its entire process. Students will also learn about various qualities of a salesperson and different types of sales organization structure. 

CO 110:Gain knowledge about different methods of determining size of sales force, recruitment, selection and training methods of sales force

CO 111 : Learn about various compensation plans and methods of motivating sales force. Students will also be able to understand different tools of sales forecasting and about sales quota system. 

CO 112 : Acquire knowledge about controlling techniques relating to sales personnel and sales activities. 

Approach in teaching


Interactive Lectures, concept based teaching through Power point Presentation, expert lectures, sharing video links.



Learning activities for the students:

Reading assignments.



Assignments, Mid semester  test, Semester end examination end examinations, Quiz,  Presentation by students






Sales management concepts, objectives, functions, importance and process


Salesmanship- concept, Personal selling- concept, objectives, Personal selling process. Qualities of a successful salesperson.

Sales organization structures.


Methods of Determining salesperson size-Workload method

Recruitment, Selection, and Training Salesperson, Sales training programme


Compensating and motivating Salesperson, Sales Forecasting, Sales Quota, Sales territory, Routing


Controlling sales personnel, performance appraisal, Sales budget, Sales control and cost analysis

Essential Readings: 
  • Still, Cundiff, Govoni, Sales Management: Decisions, Strategies and Cases, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
  • Chunawalla, S. A., Sales Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2003, 5thed.
  • Calvin, Robert J., Sales Management, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002
  • Mathew, M.J., Sales Management and Sales Promotion, RBSA Publishers, Jaipur
  • Sudha, G.S., Sales Management, Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur
Academic Year: