Public Finance-Practical

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will empower students to explore practical applications of public finance through case studies, projects, and discussions on topics such as social advantage, union budget preparation, public expenditure trends, welfare schemes, debt crises, income tax filing, GST, and tax reforms.


Course Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Public Finance-Practical



CO235: Analyze the social implications of the union budget, Evaluate budgetary decisions' impact on sectors and society.

CO236: Critically evaluate public policies, Propose informed reforms for social development.

CO237: Identify root causes of poor financial management, Assess their impact on government effectiveness.

CO238: Master online tax filing, Navigate e-filing portal, Calculate taxable income, and Claim deductions.

CO239: Assess GST implementation challenges, Evaluate benefits and outcomes in sectors and regions.

CO240: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials.


Learning activities for the students:                               demonstrations , Team teaching.

Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Union Budget:

Case Study/ Team Project/ Application Based Question/ Role Playing/ Group Discussion related to social advantage, procedure, and preparation of union budget. Detailed study of the latest union budget of the country.


Unit II: 
Public Expenditure:

Case Study/ Team Project/ Group Discussion related to - Major trends in public expenditure in India. Study and comparison of Major Social welfare Schemes in India.


Unit III: 
Public Debt and crisis:

Case Study/  Team Project/Group Discussion related to Public debt and India’s debt crisis, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, and Venezuela crises -  Case study of  Poor public finance management.


Unit IV: 
Filling income tax :


Detailed Study of Procedure of Filing income tax online in India.


Unit V: 
GST and Tax Reforms:

Case Study/  Team Project/ Group Discussion on GST and tax reforms

Essential Readings: 
  • H.L.Bhatia – Public Finance, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.,Delhi
  • B.P.Tyagi – Public Finance, Jai Prakash Nath & Co., Meerut.
  • Musgrave R.A. and Musgrave P.A. – Public Finance in Theory and  Practice., Tata     Mc graw Hill
  • Sarma L.S and MankarV.G: Public Finance Theory and Practice, Himalaya Publication


  • Jain, Khanna and Tiwari, “Banking and Public Finance”, V.K.India Enterprises, New Delhi
  • M.L.Seth, Money, Banking, International Finance and Public Finance, Educational Publication, Agra.
  • Mithani D.M, Money, Banking, International Trade and Public Finance. Himalaya Publishing House.




  • Ministry oof Finance official website


Reference Journals:





Academic Year: