The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the use of operations research techniques in decision-making.
Case Studies related to: Linear programming, Transportation, Assignment
Case Studies related to: Game theory, queuing theory
Case Studies related to: Queuing theory, decision theory
Famous Single Brand Retailers in India : Puma, Levis, Pantaloon, Westside etc and their strategies relating to retail communication, strategy, supply chain etc and related case studies.
Famous Multi Brand Retailers in India: Shoppers Stop, Life Style etc and their strategies relating to retail communication, strategy, supply chain etc and related case studies.
1. Operations Research-Mathur, Khandelwal Gupta,Gupta (Ajmera Book Company) 2. Operations Research-V.K Kapoor (Sultan Chand) 3. Advance Accountancy: Jain, Khandelwal, Pareek 4. Advanced Accounts:R. L Gupta & R Radhaswamy( S.Chand& Sons) 5. Corporate Accounting-S.N Maheshwari and S.K Maheshwari (Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd)
1. Modern Accountancy- A Mukharjee& M Hanif (Tata Mc Graw Hill) 2. Accounting Theory- L.S Porwal(Tata,Mc Graw Hill) 3. Advanced Accounts-Shukla, Grewal, Gupta (S.Chand) 4. Advanced Accountancy-S.N Maheshwari (Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd)