Project Planning and Management

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to develop comprehensive project plans, manage project teams effectively, and successfully execute projects within budget and schedule constraints.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course title


Project Planning and Management


CO151: Analyze project management systems and conduct project feasibility studies.

CO152: Evaluate detailed procedures of project planning and evaluation.

CO153: Examine project organization structures and conduct risk and sensitivity analysis.

CO154: Analyze projects using techniques for cost estimation and budgeting.

CO155: Develop effective strategies for controlling and managing projects.

CO156: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction








Problem solving sessions, Presentations



for the



assignments, Case Study analysis, Presentations, Group discussions


Continuous Assessment Test, Semester End Examinations, Quiz, Solving numerical problems, Assignments, Class Presentations, Individual and group projects.


Unit I: 
Project Management, SDLC and Project Feasibility Study
  • Project management
  • Project, project vs operations, project performance dimensions, project planning,
  • Project management- challenges, components, steps, project life cycle,
  • General management vs project management, qualities of project manager.
  • System Development Life Cycle-
  • SDLC meaning, phases, system analyst, authorities, responsibilities, accountabilities of system analyst.
  •  SDLC models- Waterfall, Iterative, Prototyping, Spiral and Agile model.
  • Project Feasibility Study-
  •  market analysis, technical analysis, financial analysis, economic analysis, managerial and organizational analysis,
  • energy management and ecological analysis


Unit II: 
Project Appraisal and Risk Management
  • Project Appraisal -Capital Budgeting Methods:
  • Payback period method, Accounting Rate of return , Net present value method,
  •  Profitability Index , Internal Rate of return method.
  • Managing risk in Projects-
  •  Project risk management, Benefits of project risk management,
  •  Project risk management steps- Risk Management Planning, Identify Risk Events,
  •  Qualitative Risk Analysis, Quantitative Risk Analysis,
  • Risk Response, Risk Monitoring & Control



Unit III: 
Decision Making and Social Cost-Benefit Analysis
  • Decision Making-
  • Decisions under Uncertainty,
  • Decisions under Risk,
  •  Techniques of Decision-Making under Risk and Uncertainty
  • Social Cost Benefit Analysis-
  • Social Costs, Social Benefits,
  •  steps in Social cost Benefit Analysis,
  • Approaches to SCBA- UNIDO approach, Little-Mirrlees approach, Indian Approach,
  •  Limitations of social cost benefit analysis


Unit IV: 
Project Finance and Network Analysis
  • Project Finance :
  • Direct Financial Assistance, Bridge Loans,
  • Specific Assistance Scheme of Financial Institutions,
  • Network Analysis (PERT and CPM)-
  • Use of PERT in Project management, Critical Path method,
  •  Terminology used in network analysis, comparison between PERT and CPM,
  • Construction of network diagram, Determination of Critical Path,
  • Application of PERT in Project management


Unit V: 
Project Implementation, Control, and Audit

Project Implementation and Control:

● Project implementation, Pre-requisites for successful implementation,

●  Work breakdown structure (WBS)

Project management System:

●  Introduction, Characteristics of a system, Essentials, Levels of PMIS,

● Information and Technology requirements

Project Audit :

● Project Audit Ex-post Project Evaluation,

● Human aspect of project Management , Environment Appraisal of project (a brief Review).



Essential Readings: 
  • Chandra, P. Project Preparation Appraisal Budgeting and Implementation
  • Agarwal N.P & Mishra B K. Project Management. Ramesh Book Depot
  • Saxena, H. Project Management. RBD, Jaipur










    Suggested Readings:

    • Kerzner, H. Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. John Wiley & Sons, Inc
    • David G. Carmichael. Project Planning, and Control. CRC Press


    Reference Journals:

    • IUP Journal of Accounting Research
    • The Indian Journal of Commerce
    • Business Perspectives and Research
    • Vikalpa: Journal for Decision Makers
    • Metamorphosis A Journal of Management Research
    • Harvard Business Review




    Academic Year: