Project Management

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to understand project management concepts, feasibility analysis, financial evaluation, planning, control, and evaluation techniques essential for effective project implementation and management in diverse organizational settings.















Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code







Project Management



CO133: Analyze the scope of Project Management and classify sequential stages of Project Life cycle in different types of Projects.

CO134: Evaluate the project according to  social cost and benefits and examine its feasibility.

CO135: Measure the project risk and evaluate its financial feasibility

CO136: Formulate a project planning and  schedule   on the basis of WBS and PERT /CPM techniques.

CO137: Evaluate and design the Project report after applying the method of project control.

CO138: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Power point presentation.    

 Learning activities for the students:                              Self learning assignments,  Seminar presentation, Practical problems analysis

CA test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation.


Unit I: 
Project and Project Formulation
  • Project: Concept, Definition, Characteristics, Importance and Challenges of a project. Life cycle of a project, Phases of Project Management,Role of Project Manager, Project Management Information System,- features 
  • Project Formulation: Introduction, sequential stages of Project formulation.        
  • Practical: Make a presentation on project characteristics, manager roles, and management systems.
Unit II: 
Project Feasibility and Social Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Project Feasibility Analysis : Meaning, Scope, pre-feasibility study analysis, Technical ,Market- Demand Forecasting  
  • Social Cost Benefit Analysis: Meaning,Objectives, Rational for SCBA, Approaches(UNIDO & L-M approach) and Shadow Pricing.
  • Practical: Analyze market demand, feasibility studies, and social cost-benefit approaches.


Unit III: 
Financial Feasibility and Project organisation
  • Financial Feasibility Analysis: Capital Budgeting- Introduction, Discounted cash flow techniques: Present Value and IRR.
  • Project organization: Functional,Pure Project  & Matrix organization
  • Practical: Apply cash flow techniques, and understand project structures.



Unit IV: 
Project Planning and Project Scheduling
  • Project planning: objectives, steps,Work Breakdown Structure
  • Project scheduling: Introduction, Scheduling Techniques (Bar Chart, Network based scheduling-PERT &CPM)
  • Practical: Create plans and schedules using breakdown structures.



Unit V: 
Project Control and Project Evaluation


  • Project Control: information monitoring, internal & external project control,  control process, performance analysis, variance limits.
  • Project Evaluation, Reporting & Termination: Project reviews & reporting, closing the contract.Project Audit   
  • Practical: Prepare concise reports or presentations summarizing project progress and evaluation findings.
Essential Readings: 
  • M.R. Agrawal, Project Management, Garima Publication
  • Nagrajan .K Project management  New Age International Publishers
  • Agarwal, Mishra, “Project Management”, RBD, Jaipur




Suggested Readings:

  • Vasant Desai “Project Management” , Himalaya  Publishing  House.
  • Prasanna Chandra  “Project Planning, Implmentation& Review” Tata McGrawl-Hill, New Delhi
  • Prof. (Dr) Sanjiv Marwah, Project Management. Dreamtech Management textbooks.


Reference Journals:

  1. International journal of Project Management -
  2. FIIB Business Review
  3. Springer Plus,


Academic Year: