Performance Management -Practical

Paper Code: 
24DBSG 612B
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to gain practical skills and knowledge needed to effectively implement, monitor, and optimize performance management strategies in real-world organizational settings

Course Outcomes: 


Course outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24DBSG 612B



Performance Management -Practical (Practical)


CO223: Explore the knowledge regarding the field of performance management through emerging trends and real world case studies.

CO224: Examine the concept of performance management process through real world situations.

CO225: Analyze the concept of performance planning system through real world situations.

CO226: Explore the concept & methods of performance appraisal along with designing performance appraisal form.

CO227: Appraise the concept of performance monitoring & counselling through real world situations.

CO228: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction .

Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Group Discussion, Case Studies.


Learning activities for the students:

Reading assignments,

Group Discussions/ Class presentation 


CA test, Observation, Presentation, Viva Voce , Role Play and Semester End Exam


Unit I: 
Performance Management: Introduction
  • Presentation on Emerging trends in the field of performance management
  • Case study discussion relating to performance management in different corporates


Unit II: 
Performance management process
  • Case study discussion and Power point presentation relating to Performance management process


Unit III: 
Performance Planning
  • Role play on Performance planning
  • Case study discussion on concept of competence mapping
  • Drafting performance plan


Unit IV: 
Performance Appraisal
  • Case study discussion on performance appraisal
  • Presentation on performance appraisal methods
  • Drafting of Performance Appraisal form



Unit V: 
Performance Monitoring & Counselling
  • Case study discussion on performance monitoring and counselling
  • Case study discussion on performance counselling
Essential Readings: 
  • Aguinis H. Performance Management. Pearson.
  • Kohli, A.S. Performance Management. Oxford Higher Education.
  • Bhattacharyya, D.K., Performance management systems and strategies, Pearson Education.
  • Armstrong, M. & Baron, A., Performance management and development, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai.
  • Armstrong, M., Performance management: Key strategies and practical guidelines, Kogan Page, London.


  • Robert B., Performance management, McGraw-Hill Education India.
  • ASTD, Talent management: Strategies for success from six leading companies, Cengage Learning.
  • Rao, T.V., Hurconomics for talent management: Making the HRD missionary business-driven, Pearson Education.
  • Shukla, R., Talent management: Process of developing and integrating skilled worker, Global India Publications, New Delhi.
  • Silzer, R. and Dowell, B.E. (eds.), Strategy drive talent management: A leadership imperative, Publication of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.



  • Vikalpa (P+O) (http://
  • FIIB Business Review (http://
  • Harvard Business Review (



  • International Journal of Productivity & Performance Management
  • International Journal of Performance Management
  • HRM Review




Academic Year: