Organization Behaviour

Paper Code: 
BSG 417
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives:

Managers as well as the entrepreneurs today have to deal with the complex intra-organizational environment and deal with the group dynamics. This course aims at equipping them with the empirical knowledge of various behavioral aspects prevalent within an organization.

Course Outcome(COs):



Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

BSG 417

Organization Behavior

  1. CO 145 Demonstrate the applicability of the concepts of organizational behavior to understand the behavior of people in the organization.

    CO 146 Understand and apply different motivational theories and methods to increase the productivity and job satisfaction of employees.

    CO 147 Display suitable skills for enhancing group cohesiveness and improving output by teams.

    CO 148 Analyze the organizational environment on group dimensions like Politics, Power, Stress, Conflicts which will help in smooth functioning of organizations.

    CO 149 Devise plans for successful implementation of changes in the organizations.


Approach in teaching


Powerpoint Presentation, interactive lectures ,case study analysis, Sharing of video links, review session.


Learning activities for the students:

Role plays,Reading assignments, case study analysis


Assignments, Mid semester  test, Semester end examination, Quiz,  case Presentation by students


Unit I: 

Organization Behavior: concepts, scope and importance of studying Organization Behavior, disciplines contributing organization behavior Individual Behaviour: Perception - Meaning,charactersitcs,perceptual process Perceptual selectivity ,Perceptual Organization

Personality-Meaning, theories of personality-psychoanalytical theory,socio-psychological theory, trait theory and self theory Motivation: Meaning, theories of Motivation-maslow theory, herzbergs theory, McGregor theory, Alderfer theory.

Unit II: 

Group behavior: Meaning, Importance, Process of Group Formation, Types of Groups, Factors influencing group behaviour, Group cohesiveness, factors affecting group cohesiveness.

Team: Meaning, difference between team and group, Types of teams, techniques of effective team building.

Unit III: 

Organizational Power: Meaning, characteristics, classification of power, contingency approaches to power.

Politics: Meaning, Reasons of politics.

Unit IV: 

Conflicts: Meaning, Reasons of conflict, types of conflict, Process of conflict, management of conflict.

Stress: Meaning, reasons of stress, types of stress, effect of stress, strategies for coping stress

Unit V: 

Organizational change: Meaning, reasons, types, process of change,

résistance to change, management of change.

Essential Readings: 
  • Robbins,     Stephen    P.,     Organizational     behavior:Concepts,     Controversies, Applications, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi (Latest edition)
  • Prasad, L.M., Organizational behaviour, S.Chand, New Delhi
  • Buchanan, David, Organizational behaviour, Prentice Hall.
  • Johns, Gary and Saks, Michael, Organizational Behaviour: Understanding and Managing Life at work, Pearson Prentice Hall, Toronto
  • Davis, Keith and Newstrom, John W., Human behaviour at work: Organization behaviour, McGraw-Hill International Editions Management Series, New York.
  • Luthans, Fred, Organizational behaviour¸ McGraw Hill Series in Management
  • Rao, V. S. P., and Narayana, D. S., Organization theory and behaviour, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
Academic Year: