Money and Banking

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will equip students with essential knowledge of money, banking operations, innovative banking channels, and negotiable instruments, enhancing their understanding of financial systems and their functioning.


Course Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Money and Banking



CO139: Critically evaluate the importance of money and various other instruments used as near money instruments principles of note issue.


CO140: Comprehend various factors affecting the demand and supply of money in an economy and evaluate various policy measures adopted by the central bank to manage the money supply.


CO141: To develop relevant knowledge about the Indian banking system and Compare the Different Types Of Products And Services.


CO142: Differentiate between various innovative banking channels and to select the appropriate payment mechanism for the effective transfer of funds.


CO143: Analyze the features of various negotiable instruments used in banking and to evaluate their role in effective fund transfer and discharge of debt obligation

CO144: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Lectures, Discussions, power point presentations.


Learning activities for the students:                              

Self-learning assignments, group projects, Project reports, Seminar presentation,


Class tests, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
  • Meaning, Types, Functions, Importance, and Evils of Money.
  • Money and a Near Money- comparison.
  • Concept of Velocity and Value of Money.
  • Functions of RBI


Unit II: 
Demand and Supply of Money:
  • Factors affecting the demand and supply of money.
  •  Supply of Money- Narrow Money and Broad Money.
  • Velocity and Value of Money.
  • Monetary Policy.
Unit III: 
  • Meaning, Types of Banks, Functions.
  • Banking Products and Services –Types of Deposits, and Loan
  • Banker Customer Relationship.
  • Banker’s rights and duties, garnishee order.


Unit IV: 
Innovative Banking:
  • Meaning, Significance and Features
  • Channels of Banking - ATM, internet, mobile, phone banking, POS
  • Payment mechanism of Banks - cheques, demand drafts, plastic cards NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, SWIFT, ECS, payment wallets.


Unit V: 
Negotiable Instruments:
  • Promissory note, Bills of Exchange, and Cheque. - Concept, Feature, Parties, and Types.
  • Endorsement – Meaning and Types.
  • Presentment and acceptance: - Meaning, Purpose (acceptance, sight & Payment) Time, and place of Presentment.


Essential Readings: 
  • D.M. Mithani, Mone , Banking, International trade and Public Finance
  • T R Jain Money and Banking, V K Global Publication Pvt Ltd
  • Tandon and Mathur Money and Banking Shivam Publication, Jaipu
  • P.N. Varshney, Banking law and Practice, Sultan chand and Sons, Delhi



  • Mithani.D.M, Money,Banking,International Trade and Public Finance., Himalayan Publication, New Delhi
  • B.S. Khubehandani, Practice and Law of Banking, MacMillian India Limited
  • Jain, Khanna, Tiwari, “ Banking and Public Finance” V.K India Enterprises, New Delhi.


• Report on               Currency & Finance, various issues)
• Websites: https://www (RBI)
• (Various latest issues of        RBI Bulletins)


Reference Journals:
• Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
• The Review of Economic Studies
• Journal of Monetary Economics
• International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance




Academic Year: