Monetary Economics-Practical

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Understand the factors influencing central bank decisions, and evaluate the impact of monetary policy on economic indicators through presentations, case studies, and group discussions.

Course Outcomes: 



Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24DFSG 802

Monetary Economics-Practical


CO229: Examine relevant theoretical and practical knowledge about issuing of currency notes.

CO230: Analyse the situation, evaluate the potential consequences, and propose alternative course of actions of monetary poliocy.

CO231: Apply relevant theoretical and practical knowledge of various factors that influence or are influenced by monetary policy of central bank.

CO232: Develop a comprehensive monetary policy proposal

CO233: Evaluate, prepare and demonstrates impact of Monetary policy on a specific aspect of the economy

CO234: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Practical cases, Power point presentation.    

 Learning activities for the students:                              Self learning assignments, Seminar presentations.

CA Test, semester end Exam, Presentation.


Unit I: 
Digital Currency
  • Presentation and group discussion on minting of notes / issues related to circulation of currency/ digital currency
Unit II: 
Monetary Policy
  • Case study: involving a real world monetary policy decisions. Students will analysis the situation, evaluate the potential consequences, and propose alternative course of actions.
Unit III: 
Central Bank
  • Presentation/group discussion on  Students will explore the variable and its impact on the decision-making process of a central bank, including setting interest rates, implementing open market operations, and managing inflation. 


Unit IV: 
Monetary policy and Economic issues
  • Case Study/ Group Discussion/ PPT on Policy proposal: Students will develop a comprehensive monetary policy proposal aim at addressing a specific economic issues such as economic recession, inflationary pressure or exchange rate instability.
Unit V: 
Impact of Monetary Policy
  • Presentation / group discussion Impact of Monetary policy on a specific aspect of the economy such as inflation, employment, or exchange rates.Students will collect data, analysis trends, and draw conclusions based on findings


Essential Readings: 
  • M.L.Seth, Monetary Economics- Educational Publishers, Agra
  • T.N.Hajela, Monetary Economics.,Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd, Delhi
  • M.L.Jhingan, Money, Banking and International Trade,Vrinda Publication, Delhi
  • S.B.Gupta, Monetary Economics.,S.Chand& Co, New Delhi
  • MIthani.D.M, Money,Banking,International Trade and Public Finance., Himalayan Publication, New Delhi
  • T R Jain Money and Banking, V K Global Publication Pvt Ltd
  • Tandon and MathurMoney and BankingShivam Publication, Jaipur



Suggested Readings:

  • T.N.Hajela, Monetary Economics ,Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd, Delhi
  • M.L.Jhingan, Money, Banking and International Trade,Vrinda Publication, Delhi
  • S.B.Gupta, Monetary Economics.,S.Chand& Co, New Delhi
  • Mithani.D.M, Money,Banking,International Trade and Public Finance., Himalayan Publication, New Delhi


Reference Journals:

  • Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
  • The Review of Economic Studies
  • Journal of Monetary Economics
Academic Year: