Merchandise Management

Paper Code: 
BSR 316
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


Course Objectives:

 The objective of this course is to encapsulate various facets pertaining to the selection and successful implementation of a project.

Course Outcome(COs):


Learning Outcome

 (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

BSR 316

Merchandise Management

CO 103 : To acquaint the students with the importance and basic concepts of merchandise management and role and responsibilities of merchandiser


CO 104: Identify the important aspects of merchandise planning and management and also know about the methods retailers may use to gather information and make merchandise  decisions (process)

CO 105 : Learn the concepts of brands and the process and significance of creation of Private Labels

CO 106 : Understand the concepts, significance and process of Category Management in Retailing


CO 107 :Identify how pricing fits into the goals of a retail establishment and how to use the various pricing methods, techniques and adjustments

CO 108 : Learn to evaluate the merchandise performance and devise strategies


Approach in teaching

Interactive Lectures,


 Sharing reference reading materials and web links

Class discussions.


Learning activities for the students:

Guided Assignments, Role plays, Case Study 



Class test, Semester end examinations,

Quiz - Kahoot/Google Forms etc , 

Regular Class Assignment, 

PPT Presentation, Individual/Group projects



Basics of Retail Merchandising: Concept, Definition, Importance of Merchandising Management. Merchandiser: Role and Responsibilities, Types of merchandise, Concept of Lifestyle Merchandising.


Merchandise Planning: Concept, Implication of Merchandise Planning – Finance, Marketing, Warehousing and Logistics, Process of Merchandise Planning. Technology Tools and Merchandise Planning - Merchandise Systems used in Merchandise Forecast. Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR).


Merchandise Procurement: Brand Alternatives – National Brands,  Private Labels and Licensed. Private Label – Concept – Store Brand, Umbrella Brand and Individual Brands, Reasons for Emergence of Private Labels, Process of Creation of Private Labels. Steps in Merchandise Sourcing, Global Sourcing.


Category Management – Concept, Reasons for Emergence of Category Management and Process of Category Management, Drawbacks of Category Management


Evaluating Merchandise Performance: ABC Analysis, Sell through Analysis, Multiple Attribute Method and Gross Margin Return On Investment (GMROI)

Merchandising Pricing: Methods of setting Prices – Markups and Markdowns, Pricing Strategies (Market Skimming, Market Penetration, EDLP, HLP, Price Bundling, Odd Pricing, Leader Pricing, Multiple Pricing, Multiple-unit Pricing)

Essential Readings: 


  • Pradhan, Swapna, Retail Management ,Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
  • Levy, Michael and Weitz, Barton A., Retailing Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2003
  • Vedamani, Gibson G., Retail Management, Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai
  • Shipp, Ralph D., Retail Merchandising: Principles and Applications, Houghton Miffin Co.


  • Dunne &Lusch, Retailing, South-Western Educational Publishing, 2004, 5th Edition
  • Retail Management, ICFAI Centre for Management Research, Hyderabad, May, 2003.
  • Sudharshan, R., Prakash, Ravi S., Sarma, Subrahamanya M., Retail Management: Principles and Practices, New Century publications, 2007
Academic Year: