Marketing Management

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
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This course will enable the students to appraise and assess the marketing concepts, build appropriate marketing strategies to enhance their market reach.



Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Marketing Management



CO67: Categorize and construct strategies for 4p’s and develop holistic marketing view towards business operations.

CO68: Evaluate the components of marketing environment and assess them for creating suitable marketing strategies.

CO69: Plan strategies for segmenting and targeting the consumers for successful positioning of brands in the market.

CO70: Suggest sustainable product and pricing strategies for contemporary organizations through cautious consideration of various product concepts and different pricing techniques.   

CO71: Plan appropriate distribution strategies and promotional programs for different offerings of the firms.

CO72: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Class room Lecture (Theory/ Using Power Point Presentation)

Learning activities for the students:

Role Play activities/ Group Discussions/ Class presentation 


Class participation, tutorial assignments and presentations, class tests, C A Test, Semester End Exams.



Unit I: 
Introduction to Marketing
  • Concept: Definition Nature, Scope and Importance of Marketing
  • Marketing Approaches- Production concept, Product concept, Selling concept, Marketing concept, Societal Concept, Holistic marketing concept
  • 4 Ps of Marketing Mix, Extension of Marketing mix
  • Concept of 4 C’s

Practical: Case studyonHolisticMarketingconcept



Unit II: 
Marketing Environment
  • Micro and Macro Environment
  • Demographic Environment
  • Economic Environment
  • Political Environment
  • Legal Environment
  • Socio cultural
  • Technological environment (All in Indian context);
  • Portfolio approach – Boston Consultative Group (BCG) matrix

Practical: AnalysisofMarketingEnvironment foranyspecificindustry


Unit III: 
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
  • Levels of Market Segmentation
  • Basis for Segmenting Consumer Markets
  • Market Targeting
  • Developing and Communicating Positioning Strategy
  • Concept of Positioning Maps



Unit IV: 
Product and Pricing Decisions
  • Concept of Product Life Cycle (PLC),
  • PLC Marketing strategies
  • Product Classification
  • Product Line Decisions
  • Product line Strategies
  • Packaging & Labeling
  • Concept of New Product,
  • New Product Development Process.
    Pricing Decisions
  • Determinants of Price
  • Pricing Objectives
  • Factors affecting Pricing Decisions,
  • Pricing Methods
  • Pricing for New Products: Market Skimming and Market Penetration Pricing

Practical:Case studyonPricing Decision


Unit V: 
Place (Marketing channels) & Promotion

·         Channel functions

·         Channel Levels

·         Intensity of Market coverage: Exclusive Distribution, Selective Distribution, Intensive Distribution


·         Concept of Integrated Marketing Communications

·         Promotional Tools – Advertising, Sales Promotion, Direct Marketing, Public Relations & Publicity and Personal Selling

Practical:RoleplayonSignificance ofPromotionMix

Essential Readings: 
  • Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller, Abraham Koshy, Mithileshwar Jha, Marketing Management, A South Asian Perspective, Pearson Education
  • Rajan Saxena, Marketing Management, Tata McGraw Hill
  • Dave Chaffey, Fiona Ellis, Chadwick, Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, Pearson
  • Bateson, Hoffmam, Services Marketing, Cengage Learning
  • Ahuja Vandana, Digital Marketing, Oxford Higher Education


  • Govindarajan, Marketing Management: Concepts, Cases, Challenges and Trends, PHI Learning Private Ltd.
  • John Mullins, Orville C. Walker, Harper W. Boyd, Marketing Management-A Strategic Decision-Making Approach, Tata McGraw Hill
    • Chandra Bose, Modern Marketing: Principles and Practice, PHI Learning Private Ltd.


E- Resources:






Academic Year: