Management Of Financial Institutions - Practical

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable students to analyze and evaluate innovative financial instruments, economic upheavals in cooperative banks, asset-liability management strategies, NPA classification, and the operations of national-level financial institutions through practical exercises and discussions.








Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24DFSG 702

Management Of Financial Institutions-  Practical    (Practical)


CO187: Explore and analyze innovative financial products unique to banking and insurance sectors.

CO188: Critically evaluate and assess the workings of various financial institutions, gauging their contribution to economic development.

CO189: Develop and implement strategies to manage assets and liabilities effectively, aiming to optimize the bank's risk and return.

CO190: Assess and analyze the impact of poor NPA management on the growth of the economy.

CO191: Evaluate, scrutinize, and analyze the operations and contributions of various national-level non-banking organizations in the development of the financial system.

CO192: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Practical cases , Power point presentation.    

 Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments,  Seminar presentation, Live practical problems analysis

CA test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentations.


Unit I: 
Financial Instruments and their current market scenario
  • Exercise/Presentation/Group Discussion related with top-performing innovative Financial Instruments and their current market scenario
Unit II: 
Various Economic Upheavals
  • Chart preparation/Case studies review/presentation on various economic upheavals related to the cooperative banks/NABARD/SEBI


Unit III: 
Asset Liability Management
  • Case Study/  Team Project/ Group Discussion on: Exercises on Asset liability management of selected commercial bank and categorize assets and liabilities based on their maturities and interest rate sensitivities.
  •  Identify potential gaps or imbalances that could expose the bank to risks. Develop strategies to manage assets and liabilities to optimize the bank's risk-return.
Unit IV: 
Loans and Non-Performing Assets
  • Review a sample loan portfolio and identify loans that meet the criteria for classification as non-performing assets.
  • Analyze factors such as payment defaults, irregularities in repayment, or deterioration in the borrower's financial condition.
  •  Categorize the NPAs based on the severity of delinquency (substandard, doubtful, or loss assets) as per regulatory guidelines
Unit V: 
Financial Institutions
  • Case Study/  Team Project/ Application Based Question/ Group Discussion on any one national-level Financial institution (Banking / Non Banking ) and critical evaluation of its working
Essential Readings: 
  • Gordan, Natrajan” Financial Markets & Management of Financial Services” Himalayan publication, New delhi
  • Bhalla V.K.-“Financial Markets &Services” Anmol Publications, Delhi.
  • Service Marketing,-S.M.Jha, Himalya Publishing House, New Delhi
  • Marketing of Banking services, CAIIB , Macmillan




Suggested Readings:

  • Srivastava R.M.-“Management of Indian Financial Institutions”Himalaya Publication, New Delhi
  • Jain, Khanna, Tiwari, “ Banking and Public Finance” V.K India Enterprises, New Delhi
  • Marketing of Financial services-V.A. Avadhani, Himalya Publishing House, New Delhi
  • Marketing of Financial services-Sonal jain, RBD Jaipur Professional Publications




Reference Journals:

  • Journal of Emerging Market Finance
  • Journal of Financial Management
Academic Year: