Management Accounting

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
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This course will enable the students to develop an understanding of management accounting concepts and procedures and application of the same in real world scenarios.



Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




Management Accounting


CO181: Analyse and understand the concept of Management Accounting.

CO182: Develop skills in planning & arranging different type of Capital Structure in long Term and Short Term.

CO183: Evaluate the concept of Budgetary Control and prepare different types of budgets.

CO184: Develop the skills among the students to analyse and interpret in the field of Standard Costing or Variance Analysis.

CO185: Evaluate critically Management Accounting practice with the aim of improving the management accounting system by applying Activity Based Costing.

CO186: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in

teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussions, Tutorials, Problem solving sessions, Presentations



Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Case Study Analysis, Presentations, Group Discussions

Continuous Assessment Test, Semester End Examinations, Quiz, Solving Numerical Problems, Assignments, Class Presentations, Individual and group projects.


Unit I: 
  • Meaning of Management Accounting
  • Functions of Management Accounting
  • Difference between cost accounting and management accounting


Unit II: 
Capital Structure:
  • Concept, factors affecting capital structure,
  • Theories of Capital Structure: Net Income Theory, Net Operating Income Theory, Traditional Theory, Modigliani-Miller Theory


Unit III: 
Budgetary Control:
  • Budgeting and Budgetary control: Concept of Budget, budgeting and budgetary control, objectives, merits and limitations.
  •  Budget administration, Functional Budget, Fixed and flexible budgets


Unit IV: 
Standard Costing and Variance Analysis:
  • Meaning of standard cost and standard costing, advantage, limitations and applications,
  • Variance Analysis-Material, Labour and Overhead


Unit V: 
Activity Based Costing:

●      ●      Concept, Nature or Characteristics, Elements, Process or Stages,

●      Identification of Cost Drivers, Determination of Cost of each activity,

●      Assigning or Tracing Activity Cost to Products,

●      Distinction betweenActivity Based Costing System and Traditional System,

Advantages and Limitations of Activity Based Costing System

Essential Readings: 
  • Mangement Accounting-Agrawal, Agrawal(Ramesh Book Depot)
  • Management Accounting-Khan and Jain(Tata Mc Graw Hill)
  • Management Accounting-M.R Agarwal(Malik and Company)
  • Management Accounting: S. K Singh( Sun India Publications)


  • M.Y.Khan and P.K.Jain, “Management Accounting” Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi
  • Gupta S.P, Management Accounting, Sahitya Bhawan Publications
  • Management Accounting-H.Chakraborty and S. Chakraborty(Oxfor University Press)
  • Management Accounting and Financial Analysis-Dr S.N Maheshwari(S.Chand& Sons)
  • Management Accounting- N. Vinayakkam& IB Sinha (Himalaya Publishing House




Reference Journals:


  • The Indian Journal of Commerce           
  • FIIB Business Review
  • Vikalpa: Journal for Decision Makers


Note: The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless.


Academic Year: