Management Accounting

Paper Code: 
BSG 611
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The objective of this course is to provide the students an understanding of application of accounting for managerial purpose


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

BSG 611

Management Accounting

  1. Critically analyse and understand the concept of Management Accounting and Working Capital.
  2. Develop skills in planning & arranging different type of Capital Structure in long Term and Short Term.
  3. Understand the concept of Cash Flow Statement & Develop the skills of Preparing it under the guidance of AS.
  4. Inculcate skills among the students in the field of Standard Costing or variance ananlysis.
  5. Evaluate critically Management Accounting practice with the aim of improving the management accounting system

Approach in teaching:


Discussion, Project work.

Learning activities for the students:

Field activities, Presentation, Giving tasks

Observation, Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects.



Introduction: Meaning of Management Accounting, Functions of Management Accounting, Difference between cost accounting and management accounting

Management of Working Capital: Concepts and Significance, Factors affecting working capital requirements, Ascertainment of working capital requirements using Operating Cycle Method, Net Current Assets or Forecasting Method, Projected Balance Sheet Method, Salient features of Tandon Committee and Chore Committee. Ratios relating to working capital. Case Study of working capital requirement for various industries.


Capital Structure: Concept, factors affecting capital structure, Theories of Capital Structure: Net Income Theory, Net Operating Income Theory, Traditional Theory, Modigliani-Miller Theory, Modern theories of capital structure. Capitalization: Concept, Theoretical aspect of Over Capitalization and Under Capitalization.


Cash Flow Analysis: Introduction, Concept of Cash, Use of Cash Flow Analysis, Construction of Cash Flow Statement


Standard Costing and Variance Analysis: Meaning of standard cost and standard costing, advantage, limitations and applications, Variance Analysis-Material, Labour, Overhead and Sales Variance


Activity Based Costing: Concept, Nature or Characteristics, Elements, Process or Stages, Identification of Cost Drivers, Determination of Cost of each activity, Assigning or Tracing Activity Cost to Products, Distinction betweenActivity Based Costing System and Traditional System, Advantages and Limitations of Activity Based Costing System

Essential Readings: 


1.      Mangement Accounting-Agrawal, Agrawal(Ramesh Book Depot)

2.      Management Accounting-Khan and Jain(Tata Mc Graw Hill)

3.      Management Accounting-M.R Agarwal(Malik and Company)

4.      Management Accounting: S. K Singh( Sun India Publications)

  1. Advanced Management Accounting, R K Tailor(RBSA Publishers, Jaipur)
  2. Management Accounting-H.Chakraborty and S. Chakraborty(Oxfor University Press)
  3. Management Accounting and Financial Analysis-Dr S.N Maheshwari(S.Chand& Sons)
  4. Management Accounting- N. Vinayakkam& IB Sinha (Himalaya Publishing House)
  5. Advance Management Accounting-R.S Kaplan& A.A Atkinson (Prentice Hall India New Delhi)
Academic Year: