Macro Economics

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The students will be enabled to comprehend macroeconomic concepts, analyze Keynesian theory, understand investment dynamics, explore inflation, trade cycles, and national income measurement methods.




Course Outcomes: 



Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24CFSG 203


Macro Economics


CO43:Analyse and  examine macroeconomics and the concept of the circular flow of income

CO44: Evaluate the theories of Income and Employment.

CO45: Appraise the working of multiplier and accelerator for income propagation

CO46: Analyse the factors affecting inflation and movement in the trade cycle

CO47: Assess the components of national income and methods of calculating National Income

CO48: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction



Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, discussions, Tutorials, PowerPoint presentations.    

 Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments,  Seminar presentation.

Class participation, Quiz, assignments, and presentations,

 C A Test, Semester End Exams.























Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




24CFSG 203


Macro Economics


CO43:Analyse and  examine macroeconomics and the concept of the circular flow of income

CO44: Evaluate the theories of Income and Employment.

CO45: Appraise the working of multiplier and accelerator for income propagation

CO46: Analyse the factors affecting inflation and movement in the trade cycle

CO47: Assess the components of national income and methods of calculating National Income

CO48: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction



Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, discussions, Tutorials, PowerPoint presentations.    

 Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments,  Seminar presentation.

Class participation, Quiz, assignments, and presentations,

 C A Test, Semester End Exams.






















Unit I: 
  • Concepts, Scope, Types of Macro Economics-Macro Static, Macro Dynamic and Comparative Static
  •  Indicators of Economic Growth
  •  Difference between growth and Development
  • Circular Flow of Income in two sectors, three sector, and four sector economy
  • Practical: Analyze and discuss local economic indicators to understand growth trends
Unit II: 
Classical and Keynesian Theory of Income and Employment
  • Classical Theory – Determination of Full employment output, Say’s Law of Market
  • Keynesian Theory: Effective demand, determination of effective demand and equilibrium.
  • Difference between Classical and Keynesian theory.
  • Psychological Law of Consumption
  • Practical: Discuss how government spending affects jobs in real-life examples.


Unit III: 
Investment and Multiplier
  • Meaning of Investment, Marginal efficiency of capital,
  • Marginal Efficiency of Capital and Investment demand curve,
  •  Marginal Efficiency of Capital and rate of interest, factors affecting marginal efficiency of capital.
  • Multiplier: Concept, working of Multiplier & Leakages of Multiplier. Meaning of Accelerator, Difference between Multiplier and Accelerator
  • Practical: Presentation on  the impact of a recent investment project on local employment.

Unit III: Investment and Multiplier                                                                         (12 Hours)


  • Meaning of Investment, Marginal efficiency of capital,
  • Marginal Efficiency of Capital and Investment demand curve,
  •  Marginal Efficiency of Capital and rate of interest, factors affecting marginal efficiency of capital.
  • Multiplier: Concept, working of Multiplier & Leakages of Multiplier. Meaning of Accelerator, Difference between Multiplier and Accelerator
  • Practical: Presentation on  the impact of a recent investment project on local employment.
Unit IV: 
Inflation and Trade Cycle
  • Inflation: Introduction, Meaning, Types of Inflation, Inflationary Gap, Demand- Pull and Cost –Push Inflation,  Effects, Causes and Control of Inflation.
  • Trade Cycle: Different Stages of Trade cycle
  • Practical: Analyze recent inflation data and its effects on consumer behavior



Unit V: 
National Income
  • Defination of National Income, Components of National Income
  • Methods of Measuring National Income
  • Importance of National Income
  • Difficulties in Measuring National Income
  • Practical: Power Point presentation on components of National Income


Essential Readings: 
  • M.L. Seth ,Macro Economic Theory, Laxmi Narayan Agarwal, Agra
  • M.C. Vaish ,Macro economic Theory –,WishwaPrakashan, New Delhi
  • H.L.Ahuja, Macro Economic Theory, , S.Chand& Sons Publication, Delhi
  • T. R Jain, B.D Majhi, KartikArora ,Macroeconomics, VK Publications, New Delhi
  • T. R Jain, O. P Khana, Macroeconomics Analysis and Policy, VK Publications, New Delhi
  • Macro Economic theory - M.L. Seth, Laxmi Narayan Agarwal, Agra
  • Macro economic Theory – M.C. Vaish,Wishwa Prakashan, New Delhi



Suggested Readings:

  • Dipsey R.G and Cheystal, Principles of Economy, Oxford university Press
  • Edward Shapiro ,Macro Economic Analysis , Galgotia Publication, Delhi
  • Mithani. D.M, Money,Banking,International Trade and Public Finance., Himalayan Publication, New Delhi
  • Mankiw, N. Gregory. Macro Economics. Macmillan.
  • Oliver, Blanchard. Macro Economics, Pearson Education, LPE.


Reference Journals:

  • Yojana,A development Monthly, Government of India Publication
  • Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Scientific and Academic Publishing



Academic Year: