Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Paper Code: 
BSR 616
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Objective:

  The objective of this course is to understand basic concept of insurance and risk management and also understand the procedureof claim settlement.

Course Outcome(COs):


Learning outcome

 (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

BSR 616

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

CO 219 :To familiarize the students with the fundamentals of Supply Chain.

CO 220 :To discuss and make the students understand the nuances in integrated Logistics.

CO 221 :To familiarize the students with the concept of logistics management.

CO 222 :To develop the skills among the students to enable them to understand the manner in which an international supply chain can be created.

CO 223 :To make the students aware about the current trends in  Supply chain and Logistics.


Approach in teaching:

Classroom Lectures,Discussion, PPT, Sharing web links, Video

Learning activities for thestudents:

Self learning assignments, presentation,  case study, Group discussions


Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group  research projects




Supply Chain Management: Concept, Objectives, Functions and Importance of Supply Chain Management, Issues in Supply Chain Management, Strategic partnership, 3PL, 4PL. Porter’s Model of the value chain, Coordination in SCM- Bullwhip effect, Improving supply chain forecasting.


Integrated Logistics Activities: Integrated Logistics Model, Value Added Concept, Financial Impact of Integrated Logistics on Firm, Emerging Integrated Logistics Concepts, Customer Service, Channels of Distribution, Concept of Distribution Centre: Importance, Process Functions, Floor Ready Merchandise.


Logistics Management: Concept, Objective and Scope, Major functions of Logistics-        Transportation,           Warehousing, Inventory        Management,  Material Handling and Storage, Logistical Packaging, Information flows


Global Logistics and SCM: Managing Global Logistics, Components of Global Logistics Management, process and impact of Global Logistics, Environmental Analysis, Global Distribution, channel strategies, logistics strategies, supply chain strategies, Global Sourcing and Purchasing, Outsourced Manufacturing, Global Sourcing, Purchasing and Supplier Relations


Current Issues in Supply Chain Management: Best Practices in SCM- Tierization of Suppliers, Vendor Managed Inventory, Milk Round System, Bar Coding, Hub and Spoke Concept, Postponement Strategy, Cross Docking, Drop Shipping, Risk Pooling, Trans Shipment, RFID, Benchmarking, Reengineering, Virtual Supply Chain, Agile and Lean Supply Chain, Green Supply Chain, Flexible Supply Chain

Essential Readings: 
  • Pradhan, Swapna, Retail Management ,Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
  • Levy, Michael and Weitz, Barton A., Retailing Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2003
  • Chopra, Sunil and Meindi Peter, Supply Chain Management, Pearson Education
  • Bhat Shridhar K., Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Himalaya Publishing House.
Academic Year: