Indian Economy

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to comprehend the basic features and issues of the Indian economy, understand economic planning and policy regimes, analyze the industrial and financial sectors, and evaluate the external sector dynamics.

Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code






Indian Economy


CO133: Examine the features of the Indian economy and explore its position in the world economy.

CO134: Evaluate the challenges and constraints in the economic development of the country

CO135: Explore the significance of economic planning needed for various economic reforms in the development of the economy.

CO136: Examine the role of different public sector undertakings and interpret the structural adjustments required for economic development.

CO137: Evaluate the present foreign trade policy adopted by the Indian government with reference to the composition and direction of India’s Foreign trade.

CO138: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, PowerPoint presentations.    

 Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Seminar presentation.

CA test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentations.


Unit I: 
Basic Issues And Features Of The Indian Economy
  • Concept And Measures Of Development And Underdevelopment,
  • Basic Features Of The Indian Economy,
  • Causes Of Underdevelopment Of The Indian Economy,
  • India As A Mixed Economy,
  • Various Economic Indicators And India’s Position In World Economy.
  • Green GDP- Concept and Features.
  • Practical: Discuss India's development challenges and global economic status, focusing on simplified concepts like Green GDP.


Unit II: 
Issues Of The Indian Economy
  • Unemployment: Meaning, Types, Causes, And Remedies To Remove Unemployment: e-NAM, Make In India.
  • Population: Main Features Of The Latest Census, Demographic Profile, And Health Policy.  Population Growth As A Retarding Factor To Economic Development, Present National Population Policy
  • Demographic Constraints In Economic Development: Interaction Between Population Change And Economic Development.
  • Practical: Make a presentation on unemployment and demographic data analysis to understand their impact on economic growth


Unit III: 
Economic Planning And Policy Regimes
  • Economic Policies- Meaning, Objectives, Components of Economic Policies. Implications on the Economy
  • Economic Reforms Since 1991, Privatization, Liberalization And Globalization
  • Economic Planning In India: Features, Objectives, Broad Achievements And Failures; 
  • Niti Aayog
  • Practical: Engage in debates on economic policies and simulate post-1991 reforms or discuss Niti Aayog's role.



Unit IV: 
  • Inustrial Growth During The Planning Period ;
  •  Present Industrial Policy (1991); Features And Current Reforms.
  • Importance, Growth And  Problems Of Micro,Small And Medium Enterprises;
  • Role And Problems Of Public Sector In India.
  • Sector: Structure, Performance And Reforms 
  • Role Of Financial Sector In Economic Development
  • Practical: Analyze industrial growth patterns and challenges through case studies, incorporating financial sector reforms


Unit V: 
External Sector
  • Trends In Exports And Imports;
  • Composition And Direction Of India’s Foreign Trade;
  • Recent Trends In Export-Import Policy,
  • Balance Of Payments; Features And Components., India’s Balance Of Payment.
  • Practical: Simulate trade scenarios and discuss India's trade trends and balance of payments components for better understanding.


Essential Readings: 
  • Swami &Gupta ,“Economic Environment in India” ,RBD,Jaipur
  • Sundaram&Dutt, “Indian Economy” ,S Chand & Sons, New Delhi
  • N.D Mathur: Economic Environment in INDIA, Shivam book house(P)ltd , Jaipur
  • A N Agarwal , “Indian Economy”, New India International Ltd, Chennai



Suggested Readings:

  • Mathur, Mishra, Vyas – “Economic Environment in India”, RBSA Publication, Jaipur
  • A N Agarwal , “Indian Economy”, New India International Ltd, Chennai
  • Mishra Puri , Indian economy ,Himalaya publishing house
  • PratiyogitaDarpan :  General Studies (Indian Economy)





Reference Journals:


  • International Journal of Rural Management, http://
  • FIIB Business Review- http://
  • Vikalpa : http://
  • Directory of Open Access Journals


Academic Year: