Indian Economy

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable students to understand the fundamental issues and features of the Indian economy, including unemployment, population dynamics, industrial growth, financial sector performance, and external sector trends, fostering a comprehensive understanding of India's economic landscape and policy frameworks.


Course Outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Indian Economy



CO229: Examine the features of the Indian economy and explore its position in the world economy.

CO230: Critically evaluate the challenges and constraints in the economic development of the country

CO231: Explore the significance of economic planning needed for various economic reforms in the development of the economy.

CO232: Examine the role of different public sector undertakings and interpret the structural adjustments required for economic development.

CO233: Critically evaluate the present foreign trade policy adopted by the Indian government with reference to the composition and direction of India’s Foreign trade.

CO234: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach to teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussions, Tutorials.


Learning activities for the students:                               Reading assignments, Demonstrations, and Team teaching


Class tests, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation, Individual and group projects


Unit I: 
Basic Issues And Features Of The Indian Economy:
  • Concept And Measures Of Development And Underdevelopment,
  • Basic Features Of The Indian Economy,
  • Causes Of Underdevelopment Of The Indian Economy,
  • India As A Mixed Economy,
  • Various Economic Indicators And India’s Position In World Economy.
  • Green GDP- Concept and Features.


Unit II: 
Issues Of The Indian Economy:
  • Unemployment: Meaning, Types, Causes, And Remedies To Remove Unemployment: e-NAM, Make In India.
  • Population: Main Features Of The Latest Census, Demographic Profile, And Health Policy.  Population Growth As A Retarding Factor To Economic Development, Present National Population Policy
  • Demographic Constraints In Economic Development: Interaction Between Population Change And Economic Development.


Unit III: 
Economic Planning And Policy Regimes:
  • Economic Policies- Meaning, Objectives, Components of Economic Policies. Implications on the Economy
  • Economic Reforms Since 1991, Privatization, Liberalization And Globalization
  • Economic Planning In India: Features, Objectives, Broad Achievements And Failures; 
  • Niti Aayog


Unit IV: 

·      ·       Industrial Growth During The Planning Period ;


Present Industrial Policy (1991); Features And Current Reforms.


Importance, Growth And  Problems Of Micro,Small And Medium Enterprises;

     Role And Problems Of Public Sector In India.

{ck·    Financial Sector: Structure, Performance And Reforms 

{ck·  Role Of Financial Sector In Economic Development

Unit V: 
External Sector:
  • Trends In Exports And Imports;
  • Composition And Direction Of India’s Foreign Trade;
  • Recent Trends In Export-Import Policy,
  • Balance Of Payments; Features And Components., India’s Balance Of Payment.


Essential Readings: 
  • Swami &Gupta ,“Economic Environment in India” ,RBD,Jaipur
  • Sundaram&Dutt, “Indian Economy” ,S Chand & Sons, New Delhi
  • N.D Mathur: Economic Environment in INDIA, Shivam book house(P)ltd , Jaipur
  • A N Agarwal , “Indian Economy”, New India International Ltd, Chennai



  • Mathur, Mishra, Vyas – “Economic Environment in India”, RBSA Publication, Jaipur
  • A N Agarwal , “Indian Economy”, New India International Ltd, Chennai
  • Mishra Puri , Indian economy ,Himalaya publishing house
  • PratiyogitaDarpan :  General Studies (Indian Economy)





Reference Journals:

  • International Journal of Rural Management, http://
  • FIIB Business Review- http://
  • Vikalpa : http://
  • Directory of Open Access Journals



Academic Year: