Human Resource Development

Paper Code: 
HRG 144
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • The course emphasizes on the value of HRD in business performance with focus on Organization Design, Change and Development
  • It provides insight on how to develop Strategies, Initiatives & Programs to introduce & sustain competitive HR advantage in Organization.
  • The course addresses the human capital development as a critical role in firm’s viability in the knowledge economy


Unit I: 
Concept and boundaries of Human Resource Development-

 Concept of HRD, Development as the underlying concept of HRS, Structuring the system of HRD, Principles of Designing HRD System, Analyzing the role for Development 

Unit II: 
Matching the role and the person-

Selection procedure and techniques, Assessment Center Approach, Role Set as a strategy of selection and Appraisal System, Induction and Placement: The Beginning of Socialization

Unit III: 
Developing the person in and beyond the personal Role-

 Objectives of Performance Appraisal, Conditions for use of Open Appraisal System, linkages with other system, steps to be followed in a good potential appraisal system; Current Status and Experiences, Developing Dyadic Relationship: Performance Review, Counseling

Unit IV: 
Preparing for Advancement-

Assessing Human Development Needs, Planned training interventions, the costs and benefits of training interventions, Designing Effective Human Development Programs, Implementing and evaluating Human Resource Development Program. Competency Mapping & Assessment, Designing and Implementation of Competency Model

Unit V: 
Recent Trends in HRD-

 Management Development, Organizational Development and Change, Marketing and positioning HRD Programs within the organization, benefits and cost associated with HRD, HR diversity in the global economy - The rise of transnational corporations, their influence on the employment relationship. 

Essential Readings: 
  1. Human Resource Development- P.C.Tripathi, 5th Edition, Sultan Chand and Sons, 2007
  2. Training Instruments in HRD and OD- Dr. Udai Pareek, Dr. Surbhi Purohit, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2009
  3. Human Resource Development- Uday Kumar Haldar, Udai Pareek, Oxford University Press, 2009
  4. Human Resource Development- Wernee JM, De Simone RL, 4th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2007
  5. Designing and Managing Human Resource System- Udai Pareek and T.V. Rao, Oxford and IBH, 3rd Edition, 2003


  • Human Resource Development: Theory & Practices-T. Deb, 1st Edition, Ane, 2009
  • The HRD Missionary by T.V.Rao, Oxford and IBH, 2008
  • Human Resource Development- Uday Kumar Haldar, : Oxford University Press, USA, 1st Edition, 2009
  • Transforming HR: Creating Value Through People, Martin Reddington & Mark Williomson, Elsevier,2005
  • HRD: Beyond Training Intervention- Reid M.A., Barrington H, Brown, 7TH Edition, Pinnacle- New Delhi, 2007



Academic Year: