General Laws

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
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This course will enable the students to  acquire knowledge about different laws relating to business in India.

Course Outcomes (COs):


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code






General Laws (Theory)

CO7: Apprehend the rights of consumers, different dispute redressal agencies ,consumer council and complain filing procedure under consumer protection act.

CO8: Explore the machinery set up for providing information under Right to Information Act.

CO9: Discover the relevance of residential status and different heads of income. Analyze and appraise the tax structure of an assesse.

CO10: Comprehend Intellectual Property; analyze and evaluate Patent, Patent Law, Copyright, and Trademark; examine patent filing and trademark registration procedures comprehensively.

CO11: Explore the Negotiable Instrument Act; examine nuances of various Negotiable Instruments, including Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, and cheques.

CO12: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Class room Lecture (Theory/ Using Power Point Presentation) ,Discussions using Leading Case laws.


Learning activities for the students:

Reading Assignment , Role Play activities, Group Discussions, Class presentation 


Class participation, Assignments and presentations, CA Test, Annual End Exams.



Unit I: 
Consumer Protection Act 1986
  • Objectives, important terms, rights of consumer.
  • Consumer protection councils,
  • Dispute Redressal agencies: District forum, State commission, Central commission
  • Complain Filing Procedure


Unit II: 
Right to Information Act 2005
  • Objective, definitions: Right to Information, Public authority, Information, Record, Public
  • Information Officer.
  • Obligations of public authority, Provisions relating to PIO, duties of PIO, Provision for
  • obtaining information, Provision relating to exemption from disclosure of information.
  • Information Commissions and their powers. Appellate authorities.



Unit III: 
Income Tax Act 1961
  • Basic terminology 
  • Relevance of residential status 
  • Different heads of income
  • Deduction from gross total income
  • Tax structure of an individual assesse


Unit IV: 
Intellectual Property Act
  • Intellectual Property rights- concept and types
  • Patents - Concept, Types of patents, The patent process, Patentable Subject Matter and
  • Non- Patentable Subject Matter, The Patents Act, 1970   - overview, Duration of Patents-Law and Policy Consideration, Procedure for Filing of Patent Application and types of Applications.
  • Trademarks- Concept, kinds, Procedure for Registration of Trademarks,
  • Copyrights- concepts, Indian Copyright Law- overview.


Unit V: 
Negotiable Instrument Act
  • Negotiable Instrument- Definition & features 
  • Types of Negotiable Instruments- Instruments Negotiable by Law and by Custom
  • Presumption of Law as to Negotiable Instruments
  • Promissory note –meaning, features, parties
  • Bill of exchange - meaning, features, parties
  • Cheque - meaning, features, parties. Crossing & dishonour of cheque.
  • Holder & holder in due course
  • Negotiation of negotiable instruments- meaning & modes.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Aggarawal, Rohini, Student’s guide to Mercantile & Commercial Laws, Taxmann Allied Services Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
  2. Kapoor, N. D., Elements of Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
  3. Tulsian, P. C., Business Law, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi


Academic Year: