Fundamentals of Investment

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


This course will enable students to analyze investment avenues, understand securities markets, conduct valuation of shares and bonds, perform investment analysis, and construct diversified portfolios for risk management.



















Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code





Fundamentals Of Investment



CO163: Acquire knowledge about the Concept of Savings and investment, various investment avenues available, and Risk and return associated with them.

CO164: Create awareness about the Role of SEBI in investor protection.

CO165: Build the ability to comprehend various techniques of Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis of securities.

CO166: Understand various methods of valuation of securities for effective investment decision-making

CO167: Obtain knowledge of portfolio construction and risk diversification in investment.

CO168: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussions, Tutorials, Powerpoint presentations.    

 Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Seminar presentation.

CA test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, and Presentations.


Unit I: 
Investment and Savings
  • Concept of Savings and investments, Elements of investments, sources of investment information,
  • Types of investments, Investment Avenues, Basic concept of Risk & Return, measurement of risk and return
  • Practical: Case study analysis on investment avenues
Unit II: 
Security markets in India and Investors protection
  • Primary and secondary market, Functions of stock exchange on India.
  • SEBI: Role of SEBI in investor protection, investor grievances and their redressal system,
  • Insider trading, Investor awareness activism.
  • Practical: Report on stock market functions
Unit III: 
Valuation of Shares and Bonds/debentures
  • Features of equity shares & Preference shares. Features of debentures & bonds.
  • Valuation of equity shares, preference shares, debentures and bonds.
  • Practical: Presentation on share and bond valuation techniques


Unit IV: 
Analysis for Investment


  • Fundamental Analysis (EIC approach),
  • Technical Analysis- (Chart, Pattern and Oscillators) Bar chart, Line Chart Candle chart, Trend Head and Shoulders, support and Resistance , Dow and Elliot wave theory
  • Efficient market hypothesis
  • Practical: Role-play on fundamental and technical analysis methods, followed by a report
Unit V: 
Portfolio Construction and Risk Diversification
  • Portfolio and diversification meaning, Portfolio risk and return.        Portfolio construction: Traditional and modern portfolio approaches. Portfolio construction process.
  • Practical: Portfolio construction presentation, integrating diversification strategies.
Essential Readings: 
  • Bhalla V.K ,Investment Management (Security Analysis and Portfolio Management), S.Chand
  • Chandra Prasanna, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, TMH.
  • Rustogi, R.P.  Fundamentals of Investment, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
  • M.R. Agarwal, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Garima Publications.




Suggested Readings :

  • Jones, C.P. Investments Analysis and Management. Wiley.
  • P. Pandian,Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publishing house ltd.
  • Donald E.F , Ronald J.J,  Ashwini P.Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Pearson.
  • Vohra, N.D. and Bagri, Futures and options, Mc Graw hill Publishing.
  • Ranganatham M.,Security Analysis and Portfolio Management,Pearson.
  • Mayo. An Introduction to Investment. Cengage Learning.


Reference Journals:

  • Journal of Emerging Market Finance : http://
  • International Journal of Financial Management:


Academic Year: