Entrepreneurship Development- Practical

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to furnish with the practical skills and knowledge necessary to identify, evaluate, and capitalize on entrepreneurial opportunities, nurturing the development of innovative ventures in real-world contexts.


Course Outcomes: 


Course Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Entrepreneurship Development- Practical



CO211: Analyze the aspects related to Entrepreneurship.

CO212: Assess and evaluate the opportunities in business environment for successful idea generation and selection.

CO213: Create a business plan for a venture.

CO214: Assess various financial options for a business venture.

CO215: Evaluate the entrepreneurial development programmes initiated by the Government.

CO216: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching: classroom lectures using PowerPoint presentation.

Learning activities for the students: Group discussion, Case studies, Assignments, Power Point  presentations, Creation of Business plan





Business Plan preparation , presentations, Classroom activity, C.A. test, Semester End Examinations.


Unit I: 
Introduction to Entrepreneurship:
  • Meet one Successful male and female entrepreneur. Compare and contrast the two in parameters like Motives, Characteristics, Problems and Support 
  • Case Study on a woman entrepreneur


Unit II: 
Opportunity Identification and Selection:
  • Identification of a opportunity for a business plan

Group Discussion on:

  • Need for opportunity identification and Selection
  • Environmental Dynamics and Change


Unit III: 
Starting a new venture (New business plan):
  • Prepare a Business Plan for any small-scale Business enterprise


Unit IV: 
Financing the Entrepreneurial Business

Power-point presentation on Sources of financing and their Importance for any Organization


Unit V: 
Role of Government in Entrepreneurial Development and Entrepreneurial Development Programmes

Group Discussion On:

  • Role of Government in organizing EDPs
  • Critical Evaluation of EDPs
  • Cluster development programme



Essential Readings: 
  • Gupta, C.B. and Srinivasan, P., Entrepreneurship Development, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
  • Taneja, Satish and Gupta, S.L., Entrepreneur Development: New Venture Creation, Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2001
  • Khanka, S.S, Entrepreneurial Development, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
  • Sangeeta Sharma, Entrepreneurship Development, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.


  • Gupta, C.B. and Khanka, S.S., Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, Fourth Edition.
  • Gordon E. and Natarajan K; Entrepreneurship Development, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
  • Desai, V., Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship, Himalaya Publishing House





  • Journal of Entrepreneurship
  • INSPIRA- Journal of Modern Management & Entrepreneurship




Academic Year: