Entrepreneurship Development

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to equip with the knowledge, skills, and mindset necessary to identify, evaluate, and pursue entrepreneurial opportunities effectively, fostering their capacity to innovate, create value, and drive sustainable business ventures.


Course Outcomes (COs):


Course Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title


Entrepreneurship Development

CO157:  Identify entrepreneurship's role in economic growth, the types of entrepreneurs, and their skills. Assess growth factors, barriers, support for women entrepreneurs, and social entrepreneurship's impact on societal issues.

CO158: Develop the skills for identifying and selecting opportunities in dynamic business environments. Analyse environmental changes to spot potential opportunities across sectors. Use techniques like brainstorming and surveys. Understand the importance of intellectual property rights

CO159: Create business plans, grasp their elements, and assess key success factors. Explore venture opportunities, navigate family business dynamics, and address various challenges, including gender issues. Students will also focus on leadership, succession planning, and continuity management within family enterprises.

CO160: Examine financial planning's significance for corporate operations, mastering fundraising from diverse sources like crowdfunding, venture capitalists, and banks. Students will also assess commercial banks' role, institutional finance, and lease financing's growing trend in India.

CO161: Evaluate the government's role in entrepreneurial development and scrutinize available assistance for aspiring entrepreneurs. Learn about Entrepreneurial Development Programs (EDPs), their meaning, phases, and the government's role. Examine cluster development programs' objectives, types, and effectiveness

CO162: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction.

Approach in teaching:

classroom lectures using Power point presentation.

Learning activities for the students:

Group discussion, Case studies, Assignments, ppt presentations

Class assignments, presentations, Classroom activity, C.A. test, Semester End Examinations.


Unit I: 
Introduction to Entrepreneurship:
  • Introduction to entrepreneurship: Meaning, Process, Importance & benefits
  • Classification of Entrepreneurship
  • Types of entrepreneurs
  • Entrepreneurial Competencies (Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies, Venture Initiation and Success Competencies)
  • Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development (Export Promotion and Import Substitution
  • Factors affecting growth of Entrepreneurship
  • Barriers to entrepreneurship
  • Promotional schemes for women entrepreneurs

Social Entrepreneurship

  • Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
  • Characteristics and Role of Social Entrepreneurs
  • The Perspective of Social Entrepreneurship
  • Social Entrepreneurship in Practice
  • Boundaries of Social Entrepreneurship

Practical-Identify a social entrepreneur and trace out what sparked him /her to become a social entrepreneur. Elaborate what and how he/she solved the social problem.


Unit II: 
Opportunity Identification and Selection:
  • Need for opportunity identification and Selection
  • Environmental Dynamics and Change
  • Business opportunities in Various sectors

      Identification of Business Opportunity

      Idea Generation:

      Idea Processing and Selection; Pre-start-up Implementation – Assembling Necessary Inputs; Establishing the Enterprise and Start-up Stage – Start-up Operating objectives, Positioning the Enterprise

  • Brainstorming, Focus Groups, Surveys, Customer advisory boards,
  • Use of IPR to protect ideas.

Opportunity / Product identification

  • Opportunity Selection

Practical-VisitanySmall- scale production unit in your area and prepare a repor tregarding the same.



Unit III: 
Starting a new venture (New business plan) and Family Business:

Business plan: Meaning, importance

  • Elements of a business plan (Market Feasibility, Technical Feasibility and Financial Viability)
  • Preparation of a business plan
  • Determinants of effective business planning
  • Types of venture
  • Opportunities analysis
  • Impact of External Environment on New Venture
  • Legal requirements for establishment of a new unit

Family Business: Concept, structure and kinds of family firms

  • Culture and evolution of family firm
  • Managing Business, family and shareholder relationships 
  • Conflict and conflict resolution in family firms
  • Managing Leadership, succession and continuity
  • Women’s issues in the family business
  • Encouraging change in the family business system.

Practical-Case studyon-TheMurugappaGroup,TheWadiaGroup


Unit IV: 
  • Meaning and Need for Financial Planning

      Arrangement of funds:

  • Traditional sources of financing, Loan syndication, Consortium finance, Angel Investors, Venture Capitalists/Accelerators/Incubators, Crowdfunding
  • Role played by commercial banks
  • Appraisal of loan applications by financial institutions

Institutional Finance:

  • Need for Institutional Finance
  • State Financial Corporations
  • Small Industries Development Bank of India
  • Commercial Banks

      Lease Finance:

  • Meaning of Lease
  • Types of Lease agreements
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Leasing
  • Growing popularity of lease financing in India
  • Future prospectus to leasing

Practical-Power-pointpresentationon- AnyOrganisationthatextendsinstitutionalsupporttosmall-scaleenterprises


Unit V: 
Role of Government in Entrepreneurial Development and Entrepreneurial Development Programmes:
  • Role of Government in Entrepreneurial Development: Need; Government Assistance
  • Incentives and Schemes for Infrastructural facilities

Entrepreneurial Development Programmes:

  • EDP Meaning, relevance and achievements
  • Phases of EDP (Pre- Training phase, Training Phase, Post training phase)
  • Institutions for Entrepreneurship development (NIESBUD, EDII, NAYE, TCOs, NEDB)
  • Role of Government in organizing EDPs
  • Critical Evaluation of EDPs
  • Cluster development programme: Objectives, Types, procedure

Practical - Power Point Presentation on an organisation’s various activities undertook by theOrganiser to conduct EDP and the problems faced by him/her in conducting EDP along withsuggestions toremovetheseproblems.





Essential Readings: 
  • Gupta, C.B. and Srinivasan, P., Entrepreneurship Development, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
  • Taneja, Satish and Gupta, S.L., Entrepreneur Development: New Venture Creation, Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2001
  • Khanka, S.S, Entrepreneurial Development, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
  • Sangeeta Sharma, Entrepreneurship Development, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.











  • Gupta, C.B. and Khanka, S.S., Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, Fourth Edition.
  • Gordon E. and Natarajan K; Entrepreneurship Development, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
  • Desai, V., Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship, Himalaya Publishing House





  • Journal of Entrepreneurship
  • INSPIRA- Journal of Modern Management & Entrepreneurship


Academic Year: