Cyber Technology and Social Issues

Paper Code: 
CLC 131
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

To create an understanding in the students regarding cyber technology, its hazards and social problems created by it. The paper also makes students understand how internet works and ho it leads to a lot of information breach. The last part deals with Cyberspace regulation in India and its components.


Unit I: 
Introduction to Cyber Technology

Introduction to Cyber Technology : Evolution, benefits, E-readiness Assessment of states in India and Global Scenario. ICT and Economic Growth. Digital Divide: Reasons, Dimensions, Impact and Measures to Bridge the Gap

Unit II: 
Cyber Frauds & Crimes

Cyber Frauds & Crimes : Meaning, types(financial frauds, hacking, identity theft, ransomware attack, cyber stalking, child abuse, cyber pornography and other internet frauds) , ways of protection and regal remedy. 

Unit III: 

Internet : Concept, Evolution, Service Provided by Internet, Ownership, Internet Service Providers(ISP), ISP Code of Conduct, ISP in India, Value Added Services by ISP’s and their Liability. Intranet -   VPN’s

Unit IV: 
Data Security and Data Management

Data Security and Data Management : Meaning, Security Problems, Security Measures, Security Policy, Access Control, Encryption, Authentication and Identification, Trusted Third Parties and Public Key. Cyberspace and National Sovereignty

Unit V: 
Cyberspace Regulation

Cyberspace Regulation : Need, Cyberspace Legal Regulatory Framework in India(Electronic Governance, Digital Signature, Certifying Agencies, Appellate Tribunal,  Offences and Penalties)E-Governance : Concept, SMART, Components, Rational, Benefits and E- Governance Initiatives in India. 

Essential Readings: 
  • Keniston Ed K, Kumar D., The Four Digital Divides, Sage Publishers, New Delhi
  • Turban, Rainer, Potter., Introduction to Information Technology, John Wiely and Sons, Inc,
  • Lessig L., Code and Other Laws of Cyber Space, Basic Books, New Delhi.


  • Keniston Ed K, Kumar D., The Four Digital Divides, Sage Publishers, New Delhi
  • Turban, Rainer, Potter., Introduction to Information Technology, John Wiely and Sons, Inc,
  • Lessig L., Code and Other Laws of Cyber Space, Basic Books, New Delhi.


Academic Year: