This course aims at providing knowledge about importance of customer service in retail and role of sales personnel in retail.
Customer service: Concept , Importance of service in Retail, Rules of Good Customer Service, Customer Service Strategies ( Customization Approach and Standardization Approach), Customer Evaluations of Service Quality( Role of Expectations & Perceived Service).
GAPS model: Factors affecting Service Gaps (Knowledge, Standards , Delivery & Communication), Steps in reducing customer service gap. Service recovery : Concept
Customer Relationship Management: Meaning, CRM Structure, CRM Process (Customer data collection, Data analysis, Target customer identification, Development of Customer Relationship Management program, Implementation)
Personal selling : Concept, Importance(To Businessman, Customers & Society), Disadvantages, Retail Selling Process, Difference between Advertisement and Personal Selling, Selling as a Career ( Arguments for and against)
Sales Personnel : Role in retail organization, Duties and Responsibilities , Qualities– General ( Physical, Mental, Social, Moral/ Ethical, Vocational) & Specific Selling ( Product Knowledge, Effective Sales Presentation, Ability to create and maintain customer relations), Measures & Guidelines to build sound customer relations
1. Pradhan, Swapna, Retail Management ,Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing 2. Levy, Michael and Weitz, Barton A., Retailing Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi. 3. Davidson, William R., Stampfl W., Sweeney, Daneil J., Retailing Management, John Wiley & Sons Inc 4. Sudha, G.S., Advertising and Sales Promotion, Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur
1. Dunne &Lusch, Retailing, South-Western Educational Publishing. 2. Berman, Berry, Evans, Joel R., Retailing Management- A Strategic Approach, Prentice Hall