Cost Analysis and Control

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This course will enable the students to develop skills in analyzing costs and implementing effective control measures to optimize financial performance.








Course Outcomes: 



Learning outcome

         (at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies 

Course Code

Course title




Cost Analysis and Control


CO235:Demonstrate the understanding of theory of price and its implications, including pricing in recession and below marginal cost and Gain proficiency in utilizing the learning curve theory.

CO236:Analyze transfer pricing methods, decision-making in diverse circumstances, and apply cost reduction and value analysis techniques.

CO 237: Apply statistical and operations research techniques for cost control, including inventory models, decision-making under uncertainty, and variance investigation models.

CO 238: Gain insights into recent cost management developments, including TQM implementation, JIT prerequisites and impact, and life cycle costing strategies and benefits.

CO 239: Gain knowledge of process innovation, Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), target costing, and Pareto Analysis, and apply them for improved profitability and cost control.

CO240: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction








Problem solving sessions, Presentations



for the



assignments, Case Study analysis, Presentations, Group discussions


Continuous Assessment Test, Semester End Examinations, Quiz, Solving numerical problems, Assignments, Class Presentations, Individual and group projects.



Unit I: 
Pricing Decisions and Learning Curve theory


  • Theory of price, Pricing under different market structures
  • Pricing policy
  • Pricing methods: Cost based, Competition Based, Value Based
  • Pricing in period of recession, pricing below marginal cost
  • Strategic pricing of new products: skimming pricing, penetration pricing. 
  • Learning Curve Theory



Unit II: 
Transfer Pricing, Cost reduction and Value analysis
  • Utility
  • Methods: market based, Cost based and Negotiation based Transfer pricing 
  • Transfer Pricing Decisions in different Circumstances.
  • Cost reduction and Value analysis



Unit III: 
Statistical and OR application for Cost Control
  • Decision making under certainty - only Inventory model techniques
  • Decision making under uncertainty and risk
  • Models for Variance Investigation


Unit IV: 
Recent Developments in Cost Management
  • Total Quality Management(TQM)- Six C’s of TQM, Implementation of TQM, Criticism of TQM,
  • Just In Time(JIT): Essential Pre-requisites of JIT system, Impact, Performance measurement, Back-flushing in JIT system.
  • Life cycle costing: Product life cycle, life cycle characteristics, strategies, benefits, uses.


Unit IV:   Recent Developments in Cost Management:                                             (12 Hours)

  • Total Quality Management(TQM)- Six C’s of TQM, Implementation of TQM, Criticism of TQM,
  • Just In Time(JIT): Essential Pre-requisites of JIT system, Impact, Performance measurement, Back-flushing in JIT system.
  • Life cycle costing: Product life cycle, life cycle characteristics, strategies, benefits, uses.


Unit V: 
Process Innovation, Business Process Re-engineering, Target Costing and Pareto Analysis
  • Process innovation, Principles of BPR, Main stages, difference between BPR and PI
  • Target Costing-  Advantages, main features, components of target costing system, problems with target costing, impact on profitability, target costing control points, implementation of target costing system.
  • Pareto Analysis: Usefulness and application

Unit V: Process Innovation, Business Process Re-engineering, Target Costing and Pareto Analysis:                                                                                                                        (12 Hours)

  • Process innovation, Principles of BPR, Main stages, difference between BPR and PI
  • Target Costing-  Advantages, main features, components of target costing system, problems with target costing, impact on profitability, target costing control points, implementation of target costing system.
  • Pareto Analysis: Usefulness and application

Essential Readings: 
  • Jain, Khandelwal & Pareek, Cost Accounting Ajmera Book Company, Jaipur 
  • Agarwal, Jain, Sharma, Shah & Mangal, Cost Accounting   Ramesh Book Depot, Albright, S. C., Winston, W. L., & Zappe, C. (2019). Data Analysis and Decision Making (6th ed.). Cengage Learning.
  • Jawaharlal,  Cost Accounting  Tata Mcgraw Hill, New Delhi 




Suggested Readings:

  • Arora, M.N.,Cost Accounting Principles and Practice, Vikas Publication, New Delhi 
  • Kishore R.M.., Cost Accounting Taxmann’s New Delhi 
  • Nigam, B.M Lal,&  Jain, I.C. ,  Cost Accounting    PHI, New Delhi
  • Maheshwari, S.N,  Cost Accounting Mahavir Publication 
  • Madegowda. J. Cost Accounting  Himalaya Publishing House 


E- Content:


Reference Journals:

  • The Indian Journal of Commerce           
  • FIIB Business Review


Note    The candidate shall be permitted to use battery operated pocket calculator that should not

have more than 12 digits, 6 functions and 2 memories and should be noiseless and cordless

Academic Year: