Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research

Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The objective is to equip the students with a comprehensive understanding of consumer behaviour and marketing research, enabling them to conduct researches based on consumers.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning Outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course Title




















Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Research




CO157: Breakdown concept of consumer behavior, consumer research and consumer motivation for easy interpretation. 

CO158: Analyze impact of reference groups, levels of culture, subjective culture and sub-culture on post-purchase behavior of consumer.

CO159: Validate marketing research, its scope, application and process to enable better marketing decisions.

CO160: Outline tools of data collection, techniques & methods of sampling, measurement, scaling, hypothesis and questionnaire framing.

CO161: Develop skills to tabulate and code research data, apply tests and present findings through reports & presentations.

CO162: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction


Approach in teaching: Class room Lecture (Theory/ Using Power Point Presentation)


Learning activities for the students:

Role Play activities/ Case Study/Group Discussions/ Class Presentation 


Class participation, tutorial assignments and presentations, class tests, C A Test, Semester End Exams.



Unit I: 
Consumer Behaviour
  • Definition, concepts, importance,
  • Consumer Research: Meaning, Consumer research process
  • Consumer Motivation: Meaning, Motivation process, Types of motivation (Negative, Positive), Buying motives (Rational Vs. Emotional motives)


Unit II: 
Social & Cultural Factors
  • Reference Groups: Meaning, Types (family, friends, celebrities, experts)
  • Culture: Meaning, Levels of subjective culture (Supranational, National, Group Culture), Sub-culture-  Meaning, characteristics, categories of subculture (Nationality, Religious, Geographical, Racial, Age, Gender categories of subculture)    
  • Post Purchase behaviour: Behaviour related to purchase, Post purchase evaluation (Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, dissonance), Product disposition


Unit III: 
Introduction to Marketing Research
  • Concepts, Importance, Purpose, Limitations
  • Applications of Research in Marketing, Scope
  • Types (basic & applied)
  • Market research vs. Marketing research, Quantitative Research vs. Qualitative Research
  • Marketing Research Process: Research design (Exploratory, Descriptive and Casual), types of variables and process to determine the variables of a study


Unit IV: 
Techniques and Instruments of Data Collection
  • Primary & Secondary Data Collection,  their advantages and limitation and usage
  • Sampling:  Concepts, sampling techniques and methods, problems, Sample design
  • Measurement and Scaling: Measurement Scales, Scales-Meaning, Scaling Techniques, Tests of sound measurement
  • Questionnaire Drafting : Do’s and Don’ts, essentials of a good questionnaire, Likert Scale
  • Hypothesis -Basic Concepts of Null and Alternate Hypothesis, Hypothesis Testing


Unit V: 
Testing, Analysis and Report Writing
  • Tabulation and Coding : concept, meaning
  • Theory and application of descriptive statistics : mean, median mode, standard deviation
  • Theory of parametric and non parametric tests – t test, f test, Chi Square, Mann Whitney, Kruskal Wallis etc. Their usage on SPSS
  • Interpretation : Meaning, Techniques of Interpretation
  • Research Report : Need, layout and format, presentation, Types of reports, Precautions for writing research reports, Bibliography, Webliography and Citation using American Psychological Association (APA), Oxford, Harvard, MLA, American Sociological Association (ASA) of research papers and books


Essential Readings: 
  • Schiffman, Leon G., and Kanuk, Leslie Lazar, Consumer behaviour, Prentice Hall of IndiaPrivate Limited, NewDelhi
  • Solomon, Michael R., Consumer behavior: Buying, Having and Being, Delhi, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Indian branch, 2003,5thed.
  • Loudon, David L. and Bitta, Albert J. Della, Consumer behavior, New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2002, Fourthed.
  • Malhotra, Naresh K., Marketing Research: An applied orientation, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 4thed.
  • Beri, G.C., Marketing Research, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 3rded.



  • Nair, Suja R., Consumer behaviour – Text Cases, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2006, 7thed.
  • Chunawalla, S. A., Commentary on Consumer Behaviour, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2005,3rded.
  • Tull, Donald S. and Hawkins, Del I., Marketing Research: Measurement and Method, Prentice-Hall of India, NewDelhi
  • Mishra, M.N., Modern Marketing Research, Himalaya Publishing House,Mumbai.
  • Luck, David and Rubin, Donald S., Marketing Research, Prentice-Hall of India, NewDelhi



  • Bajpai ,Marketing Research -
  • Malhotra, Marketing Research   -



  • Jindal Journal of Business Research
  • Journal of Marketing 




Academic Year: